Chapter 5 How Children Learn: They’re All Different
Individual Differences in Learning How do you show you’re smart (or clever or talented)? How do you remember? What motivates you to learn? How do you interact with information? How do you concentrate? How do you communicate what you know?
Multiple Intelligences Linguistic intelligence - word smart Logical-mathematical intelligence - logic smart Spatial intelligence - picture smart Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence - body smart Musical intelligence - music smart Natural intelligence - nature smart Interpersonal intelligence - people smart Intrapersonal intelligence - inside smart
Learning Modes Visual Learners (seeing) Auditory Learners (listening) Kinesthetic Learners (moving) Tactile Learners (touching)
Learning Styles Innovative learner enjoys creative and imaginative approaches to learning Analytical Learner logical, abstract thinkers want to work with facts, ideas, and details Common Sense learner these children want to get to the point Dynamic learner risk takers
Keys to Individualizing Learning Each child learns differently Include all multiple intelligences at least once a month Include all learning modes every week Use a curriculum based on a particular learning style model or select an approach to learning style and design activities to appeal to all types of learners Base instruction on active learning