October 1899: British thought that they would loose control of situation in South Africa if they do not take action, started preparing for war. Troops were sent from Britain, ultimatum was set up. Boers (in alliance) were unhappy about troops arriving in SA: Ultimatum to British: Do not let troops set foot on land, withdraw troops from borders 11 October 1899 Boers declared war on British. This suited Chamberlain (British Foreign Secretary): It made the Boers look like the aggressor.
Beginning of war: Most British troops had not yet arrived Boers hoped to win war quickly and keep British in their territories First Phase: known for three sieges, Mafikeng, Kimberley and Ladysmith. British were stuck with little ammunition and food. British lost many lives trying to end sieges Black Week, December 1899: British tried to relieve towns under siege – suffered serious defeats at Colenso, the Stormberg and Magersfontein.
From early 1900 thousands of troops from Britain arrived led by Lord Kitchener and Lord Roberts The full power of the Empire was now released on tiny group of Boers Recovered earlier defeats: Kimberley, Ladysmith, Mafeking General Cronje (Boers) surrendered at Paardeberg with 4000 Boer troops 24 May 1900 Roberts annexed Orange Free State 31 May 1900 British troops entered Johannesburg and on 5 June Pretoria was captured. Looked as if British won the war, but it continued for another 2 years