Special Education Budget Proposal 2016-2017
Percentage of Students with Autism Enrolled at GVSD (as of 12/1/14)
CDC – Prevalence of Autism
Outside Student Placements Percentage by District (as of 12/1/14)
Special Education Enrollments by District (as of 12/1/14) Upper Darby 2,032 16.4% Ridley 1,181 21.3% Garnet Valley 979 20.1% William Penn 918 17.7% Haverford 894 15.1% Southeast Delco 828 19.5% Chester Upland 786 23.5% Interboro 754 21.7% Springfield 669 16.8% Marple Newtown 647 19.5% Chichester 622 18.3% Penn Delco 604 17.7% Wallingford Swarthmore 603 16.9% Rose Tree Media 601 15.9% Radnor 538 14.5%
DCIU Costs 2014-2015 (Reconciled 10/28/15) Upper Darby $3,353,492 Chester Upland $1,519,568 Ridley $1,253,229 Haverford $1,228,590 Southeast Delco $1,196,024 Chichester $1,128,473 William Penn $1,096,850 Interboro $ 914,257 Wallingford Swarthmore $ 940,571 Marple Newtown $ 841,345 Penn Delco $ 830,077 Radnor $ 564,145 Rose Tree Media $ 542,733 Garnet Valley $ 254,266 Springfield $ 149,427
DCIU Student Costs 2015-2016 Student A: $77,963.33 Tuition/Program $50,207.34 Speech Therapy $ 5,205.58 Assistive/Augmentative $ 542.03 Occupational Therapy $ 1,826.67 1-1 Paraprofessional $ 20,181.70 Student B: $104,687.14 Tuition/Program $79,287.17 Speech Therapy $5,205.26 Occupational Therapy $8,524.50 Physical Therapy $6,761.92 Vision Therapy $ 4,101.05
Student cost through GVSD Example – CLM Program (autism) Student A: $36,325.24 Teacher (Salary and Ben.) $5,859.76 Speech Therapy $4,841.20 Occupational Therapy $2,624.28 1-1 Paraprofessional $23,000.00 Example – Middle School Life Skills (intellectual disability, autism) Student B: $37,763.78 Teacher (Salary and Ben.) $9,718.90 Speech Therapy $2,420.60 Occupational Therapy $2,624.28 1-1 Paraprofessional $23,000.00
Out-of-District Extended School Year Costs Melmark $14,967.60 Devereux Cares $14,450.00 Vanguard $7,360.00 Elwyn $5,182.60 Timothy School $5,067.50 DCIU $3,700.00 CCIU $3,000 GVSD $500 - $3,000
Gifted Enrollment Gifted student enrollment as of December 1, 2015 505 total K-12 (9.5%) Concord Elementary - 14 Garnet Valley Elementary - 81 Bethel Springs Elementary – 55 Garnet Valley Middle School - 155 Garnet Valley High School - 199 Trend past 5 years: 417, 450, 465, 528, 505
Special Education Staffing (FTE) Administrators 3 Secretaries 3 Special Education Teachers 56.3 Gifted Education Teachers 6 Psychologists 5 Speech Therapists 8 Occupational Therapists 2 Physical Therapist .6 Special Education Paraprofessionals 178.6
Special Education Wages & Benefits Total Salaries $9,217,724 Employee Benefits $5,932,416 Medical 1,735,624 Dental 127,689 Vision 22,749 Prescription 381,361 PSERS 2,768,083 Social Security 705,156 Life 13,536 Workers/Unemp Comp 85,976 Disability 23,562 Tuition 68,680
Special Education per student costs 2013-14
State Special Education Revenue per student 2013-14
Revenue IDEA Flow Through Funds – $882,457 Contingency Funds – $150,000 Medical Access (2013-14) – $275,000
Outcomes Strong PSSA and Keystone scores for IEP Sub-Groups Ex. 5th grade reading IEP group = 77% P/A Ex. 4th grade reading All students: US = 35%; PA = 42%; 4th grade reading IEP students = 46.43% Excellent Graduation Rate for students with disabilities (2013 Data: 96.92% = GVSD, 88.07% = PA) Excellent Post-School Outcomes for students with disabilities (2015 Data: 60 Graduates; 43=college, 14 = trade/vocational, 2 = work/work training, 1 = adult center program)
Outcomes Highly Compliant Program – with State and Federal Mandates (Minimal corrective action, No action plans required) No Due-Process hearings in past 8 years Quality Education for ALL
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