Growing Plants Students will ● recognise that all living things have certain requirements so they can stay alive. ● recognise that living things are suited to their particular habitat.
Our Learning Map We will think, read and write about…… What is a plant? The features of a plant as a living thing. How do scientists group plants? How do plants live? How do plants grow from seeds?
Activities (Post Assessment) 1. Draw a diagram of a plant and label the features? 2. Write what you think is a plant? Nature Walk : Look at different plants. Illustrate two different plants that you observe. What do plants have, what do they need and what do they give?
What do plants have, need and give?
Books to listen to and follow….
My Little Sprout House Plant: Lightly wet a folded paper towel and place in a sandwich sized bag with zip top.Place seeds in the bag. We used bean seeds Staple or tape the bag to the back of the greenhouse so that the seeds are showing through the open rectangle. Hang in a window and enjoy watching the seeds grow! Observed the seeds over time and record the changes to the seed on the Sprout Report form.
My Little Sprout House
What’s inside a seed? Procedure for Bean Seed Dissection 1. Pick up a soaked bean and examine it. 2. What do you think the inside of the seed will look like? Why? Illustrate your prediction on your paper. 3. Rub the soaked bean between your fingers. The seed coat should rub off. Why do you think the seed coat is important? 4. Now split your seed in two. (There is a slit going down the middle of your seed where it should come apart with a little help.) 5. Observe the inside. (Use a magnifying glass if you’d like). Describe and/or draw what you see. Were your predictions correct?