Warm-up: Thursday The Industrial Revolution helped spark an era of innovation that led to communication technologies such as the telegraph. Watch the video and write down your thoughts on it cables-internethttp:// cables-internet
North America’s Manufacturing Regions
Europe’s Economic Core and Regions
Russia’s Manufacturing Regions
East Asian Manufacturing Centers *Asia’s Tigers/Dragons - China, Taiwan, S. Korea, Japan *SEZ’s in China
Major manufacturing regions of the world: ‘The CORE’
Every job in America job-sprawl-in-americahttps:// job-sprawl-in-america Map - s.html s.html
MAP Manufacturing and trade jobs are red professional services jobs are blue healthcare, education, and government jobs are green retail, hospitality, and other service jobs are yellow You won’t find any dots for federal jobs (no available data), and Massachusetts is missing entirely—the only state to opt out of reporting its employment trends.
Your Task Look up the map on your phone …