Copyright © 2016 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. C OMPUTER A CCOUNTING WITH Q UICK B OOKS 2015 C HAPTER 5 Donna Kay
5-2 C HAPTER 5 O VERVIEW Vendor List Item List Purchases Vendor Reports
5-5 I TEM L IST Information about items purchased and sold Items can be: Service items Inventory items Non-inventory items
5-6 R ECORDING P URCHASES 1. Create Purchase Orders 2. Receive Inventory 3. Receive Bills 4. Pay Bills Reports 5. Print Checks
5-7 C REATE P URCHASE O RDERS 1. Select Purchase Orders
5-8 C REATE P URCHASE O RDERS 2. Select Vendor 3. Select Template 4. Enter Date 5. Select Item 6. Enter Quantity 7. Update Formatting as needed 8. Select Print 9. Select Save & New or Save & Close
5-9 R ECEIVE I NVENTORY 1. Select Receive Inventory 2. Receive Inventory without Bill
5-10 R ECEIVE I NVENTORY 3. Select Vendor 4. Select Yes
5-11 R ECEIVE I NVENTORY 5. Select Purchase Order 6. Select OK
5-12 R ECEIVE I NVENTORY 7. Select Date 8. Select Quantity received 9. Select Expenses tab to enter any associated expenses 10. Select Save & New
5-13 E NTER B ILLS A GAINST I NVENTORY 1. Select Enter Bills Against Inventory
5-14 E NTER B ILLS A GAINST I NVENTORY 2. Select Vendor 3. Select Item Receipt 4. Select OK
5-15 E NTER B ILLS A GAINST I NVENTORY 5. Notice similar to Item Receipts window except for labels noted 6. Enter Date 7. Enter Amount Due 8. Select Next to enter next bill
5-16 P AY B ILLS Ways to Pay Bills include: 1.Pay with a check 2.Pay with a credit card 3.Pay with a debit card
5-17 P AY B ILLS 1. Select Pay Bills
5-18 P AY B ILLS 2. Select Show all bills 3. Select bills to pay 4. Enter Payment Date 5. Select Payment Method 6. Select To be printed 7. Update Account 8. Select Pay Selected Bills
5-19 E NTER B ILLS FOR S ERVICES Recording bills for services, such as utilities or accounting services require two steps: 1. Select Enter Bills 2. Select Pay Bills
5-20 P AY S ALES T AX Collected from customers at time of sale Remitted to government 1. Select Manage Sales Tax 2. Select Pay Sales Tax
5-21 V ENDOR R EPORTS Access vendor reports from: Report Center Reports Menu Vendor Center
5-22 V ENDOR R EPORTS Includes: Accounts Payable reports: How much do we owe? Purchase reports: How much have we purchased? Inventory reports: How much inventory do we have?
5-23 T O L EARN M ORE … See Chapter 5 Visit the Online Learning Center Visit