Everyday Life in Ancient Greece Entry #12
Objective Understand the importance of the city-state in the development of Ancient Greek civilization Identify and understand the types of governments that were common in Ancient Greek civilization
The City-State People joined from neighboring communities to protect themselves acropolis- fort built on a hilltop
What would you find in a Greek city- state? 1.Acropolis 2.Agora- open-air market 3.Public Baths 4.Government Buildings 5.Religious Temples (houses for the Gods)
What did it mean to be Greek? Each city-state had its own culture Greek language was known by many Aided in spreading cultural ideas…helped to create a “national” identity Believed they were descendants of Hellen…called themselves Hellenes.
Greeks united by: 1.Olympic Games (776 BCE) A.Held every 4 years B.Footraces, boxing, wrestling, horse/chariot racing 2.Writing/Language A. Alpha beta = alphabet; 1 st two Greek letters 3.Citizenship/Barbarians A.If you’re not Greek, then you’re uncivilized…or a barbarian. B.If you spoke Greek, you were considered a citizen of Greece.
The Greek Alphabet. Knowing Greek is what separated citizens from barbarians
Athens Located on Attica Ruled by aristocracy…the wealthy, landowning families (inherit) Life was based on education and citizenship (intellectual)
Major struggles in Athens (594 BCE) Lots of fighting between Athenian families –Aristocracy- –Solon asked to fix problem…created new social classes based on wealth, not birth –Solon Creates the 1 st democracy = system of government in which the people rule (508 BCE)
Pericles the Statesmen Ruled during the height of Athens’ power Believed people should be elected or given jobs based on their ability to do the job. Helped to create a powerful Navy that was tops in the Ancient world
Sparta Located on Peloponnesus Developed military economy (standing army) Lived life according to hard work and physical activity…becoming a warrior
Military Focus Two kings headed the army; along with 30 member council Social Classes –Males in ruling class –Helots (non-citizens) –non-helots were under Spartan control…fear of rebellion
Spartan Government Oligarchy-few people from ruling class governs Created the greatest warriors skilled in hand to hand combat
Questions 1.What sorts of activities, concepts, and ideas united many of the Ancient Greek city-states? 2.Compare and Contrast the terms “democracy” and “oligarchy”.
Activities The Greek Alphabet –Using the Greek Alphabet, write your name on the back side of the card. You can use colored pencils to decorate your name and the card. When finished, write your name in English under your name in Greek –On the back side of the card, write a brief letter describing one or more aspects of Greek culture. You can decorate and draw pictures to help illustrate what you are trying to say in your letter.