Bellwork: September 24 th 1.What is meant by the picture to the right? (there are two more Bellwork questions)
Bellwork: September 24 th 2. What is meant by the picture to the right? 3. How would your life be different today if our laws were based on the Koran (Qu’ran)? **Think about the 5 pillars.**
Exit Assignment 1.Answer the question in a well constructed paragraph: Why is Muhammad significant to Islam? 2. Answer the question in a well constructed paragraph: Contrast how the religion of Islam spread during its beginnings to how Christianity spread during its beginnings (before Constantine made Christianity legal). **Use page 106, 108, and 109 for Islam **Use page 84 or Comp book page 15
Significance of Muhammad Prophet / founder of Islam Leader / Military General Created an empire based on Islamic law Writings became the Qu’ran sunna Army spread Islam by conquering other lands and people
Exit Assignment 1.Answer the question in a well constructed paragraph: Why is Muhammad significant to Islam? Read page Answer the question in a well constructed paragraph: Contrast how the religion of Islam spread during its beginnings to how Christianity spread during its beginnings (before Constantine made Christianity legal). **Use page 106, 108, and 109 for Islam **Use page 84 or Comp book page 15