U.S. HISTORY MAV POWER TIME Reteach and Relearn Political Machines and the Rise of Populism
CONNECTION- ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION OF YOUR HANDOUT: Answer F and G are incorrect because the Populist Party was the a party for the “common man.” Political bosses and factory owners would not be included. Answer J is incorrect. Although some women played a role as speakers and organizers, they would not be considered to be a group that was the strongest supporter of the Populists. H is the correct answer, because the Populist Party represented the interests of farmers in the battle against banking and railroad interests.
CONNECTION- ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION OF YOUR HANDOUT: Answer choice A is incorrect because political machines did not support either women’s gaining the right to vote or a tax in order to vote. Answer choice C is incorrect because while machines did provide assistance to the urban poor they did not provide assistance to former slaves. Answer choice D is incorrect because while machines did make improvement in urban infrastructure they did not make improvements in rural farming methods. Most political machines operated in urban areas. Answer choice B is correct because machines gained influence using their offices to give out favors (graft) and by making improvement in the cities infrastructure.
MACHINE POLITICS Read the two paragraphs about political machines and then write a summary statement about political machines. What were political machines? How did they gain support from the people?
RISE OF POPULISM Who supported the Populist Party?
Read the two paragraphs about the rise of the Populist Party. Then write a summary statement about what you have read. Think about who supported the Populist Party and why.
POPULIST PARTY PLATFORM Wanted unlimited coinage of silver to raise farm prices and make loan repayments easier Wanted term limits for the President to permit only a single term in office Wanted the direct election of senators instead of their election by state legislators Wanted the secret ballot to protect voters from intimidation Wanted government ownership of railroads, telegraphs, and telephones Wanted immigration restrictions with quotas Wanted a graduated income tax to tax wealthy individuals at a higher rate Wanted a shorter work day of eight hours
DID THE POPULISTS GET WHAT THEY WANTED? Term limits for the President22 Amendment Direct election of Senators17 th Amendment Secret ballotMost states adopted the Australian or secret ballot in the early 1900’s Government Ownership Theodore Roosevelt took steps reform of the railroads. Graduated income tax16 th Amendment Eight Hour WorkdayProgressives took steps to get some groups the 8 hour workday. Has become more common in U.S.