Ocoee Middle School November 9, 2010
Who is Walker Valley?
The goal of each student, teacher, administrator and parent should be a high school diploma for each and every child. A high school diploma does not guarantee success but it does provide a better opportunity to reach success. A high school diploma that has a solid academic element and a real world connection is a major component in building a successful life.
Students in Bradley County are required to have 28 credits for graduation. These credits encompass the core subjects of English, Math, Science and Social Studies. There are also requirements for World Languages, Fine Arts, Wellness, Personal Finance, an Elective Focus and Electives. Students have 32 opportunities to obtain the required 28 credits through the scheduling system we use.
English4 Credits Math4 Credits Science3 Credits Social Studies3 Credits World Languages 2 Credits Wellness1.5 Credits Fine Arts1 Credit Personal Finance½ Credit Elective Focus3 Credits Electives6 Credits
Classes are 90 minutes each 4 classes per semester Flex Classes 45 minutes per day for one semester ½ Flex 90 minutes for nine weeks At the end of each semester a student completes 4 credits
A minimum of one Math per year: 9 th Grade = Algebra I 10 th Grade = Geometry 11 th Grade = Algebra II 12 th Grade = Math IV, Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Calculus or Bridge Math A minimum of one English per year: English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12
Science* ◦ 9 th Physical Science ◦ 10 th Chemistry ◦ 11 th Biology *This is the sequence the Tennessee Department of Education asks us to follow. Social Studies 9 th World History or World Geography 10 th Government/Career Management 11 th American History 12 th Economics/Personal Finance
World Languages + ◦ 80% of our students are now taking the required World Languages in their sophomore year. ◦ We offer Spanish, French and German Fine Arts+ ◦ Band, Choir, Art, Drama, Guitar, Music Theory, and Music Literature and Styles Wellness One credit is the required Wellness course plus ½ credit more. Interscholastic Athletics, Marching Band, Cheerleading will substitute for the ½ Credit above the class. ◦ + These qualify as an Elective Focus
Many offerings are available in these areas of study; Agriculture Business Computer Information Systems and Applications Criminal Justice Engineering Design Family and Consumer Sciences Health Sciences Marketing Media Concepts
The Elective Focus gives students an opportunity to have an area of study they wish to give extra concentration to. This can be any subject area that is above and beyond the minimum requirement for graduation. As an example students that wish to have an Elective Focus in Science can take three science courses beyond Biology in order to qualify for the Focus credit.
Electives constitute those courses which are beyond the scope of the 22 state requirements. These courses are student/parent/counselor chosen and can be classes of interest to the student or career driven choices.
Anchor Club Beta Club DECA FCCLA FFA FTA HOSA Jr. Civitan
Key Club Model UN Mu Alpha Theta NHS NTHS SGA Skills USA Spanish Club TSA
ArtFaith Films ChessGreen Team CrochetRuriteens Drama ClubShootin’ Stangs FBLASuper Scrappers FCA
School Involvement Circle of Champions Tennessee Scholars Yearbook "The Spill" Chamber of Commerce Youth Leadership Boys'/Girls' State Career Fair
Health Fair Reality Check Class Olympics Drama Production Musical Production Mustang Maniacs
Community Involvement Relay for Life Southern Heritage Food Drive Thanksgiving baskets Easter baskets Creating Christmas Memories Blood Assurance Blood Drive
Volley for a Cure Reading to elementary students Habitat for Humanity Haiti Relief Efforts Chamber of Commerce Job Shadowing
Marching Band Concert Band Jazz Band Color Guard Percussion Ensemble All East TN and All State Bands
Chorus 9th Grade Choir Concert Choir Chamber Choir All East TN and All State Choirs
Football Boys Soccer Boys Tennis Boys Basketball Girls Tennis Girls Basketball Baseball
Girls Soccer Softball Wresting Volleyball Boys Bowling Boys Cross country Girls Bowling
Girls Cross Country Cheerleading Boys Track Girls Track Boys Golf Girls Golf
Caring professionals who put students first! Proud parents of great kids! Great kids who achieve, excel and go beyond the minimum. “Combining yesterday’s wisdom with today’s successes to empower tomorrow’s leaders.” We are Walker Valley!