Garage Project Presentation Accu-Crete 2/28/2016
Introduction What we are doing CIP garage for multi-family residential bldg.
CIP vs PreCast CIP More integrated and stable structure Safer environment for workers and garage users Long life expectancy Less initial cost: bills paid mostly as work is completed Cracks that expose steel to corrosive agents minimized Pieces held together with caulked and welded joints Higher insurance cost than CIP projects Frequent maintenance required Up to 50% garage cost required before any on-site progress More structural problems exist : Double Ts, Joints and Cracks Precast
CIP vs PreCast CIPPrecast Less disturbance to the surrounding area More flexibility in terms of finish and shape Plans can be altered as construction progresses Benefits the local economy, boosting the community and small businesses Large amount of on-site storage space needed for concrete and equipment
History and Experience Alexan North Hills; Raleigh, NC
History and Experience Alexan North Hills; Raleigh, NC
Technology-Quantity Takeoff Accu-Crete adopts the most efficient and renown software in the construction industry to provide competitive and accurate bids. An example of such is On-Screen-Takeoff.
The use of digital blueprints allows the quick take-off of materials. This translates into higher productivity, faster response time and more accurate estimates. Accuracy
Technology-Estimating Beam, Decks, Columns Formwork Material – Total project area – Layout and # of formsets – Type and length of each beam – # of Columns – Stair or high bay situations
Technology-Estimating Options – Beam shoring: PERI, Symons GBS – Deck panels: 4’x8’ or 4’x12’ HDO Plywood – Joists: Symons Aluminum, H20 (wood), EFCO E- beam EX:
Technology-Estimating Process – Input information and selections in highlighted fields (green) – Program will automatically assign relevant components to formwork estimate – Obtain output in terms of cost and quantity of formwork material – Final cost given per SF total project area
Technology-Estimating Quantity and Price Output
Technology-Scheduling Primavera 6 Resources loaded from Estimate Multiple formset/cycle options
Technology- 4D modeling Visual Intelligence for Construction Management Clear Visualization and Less Miscommunication with GC/clients/laborers
Technology- 4D modeling
Innovation: Ribbon Beam System Additional Floor to Ceiling Height More Natural Light Easier Access to Parking Less Requirements for Electrical Light
Innovation: Ribbon Beam System Looking up the ramp at the entry to garage. Note the utility pipes for drainage located in the drive lane. Better planning could have avoided this. These utility pipes are causing a loss of overall height.
Innovation: Ribbon Beam System Electrical lighting is reduced due to openness. Columns have been moved back making access to parking easier. Concrete curb wall with plinths and barrier cables may be used.
Innovation: Ribbon Beam System Entry into garage. Note the openness and how much natural light.
Innovation: Ribbon Beam System View at the drive and parking lane. More natural light. Less requirements for electrical fixtures. No deep drop beams block light.
Garage WalkThrough
Q & A