New Media Technologies: Communication Theories COM 300 Kathy E. Gill 6 April 2005
Agenda Recap Monday Characteristics of New Media Lab
Why Use a Technology? Cognitive Needs – Desire (demand) for information, knowledge, understanding Affective Needs – Aesthetic, pleasurable, and emotional experiences Personal Integrative Needs – Inner-directed, deal with credibility, confidence, stability, and status Social Integrative Needs – Outer-directed, strengthening relationships with family, friends, the world Escapist Needs – Desire for tension release or diversion - Katz, Gurevitch, and Haas
Diffusion Theory Rogers (1995) outlined four parts: Innovation Social system Time Communications channels And five steps: Knowledge Persuasion Decision (adopt or reject) Implementation Confirmation
Characteristics of New Media Compare/contast with “old” media Review Networks of Remediation Examine McLuhan’s “medium is the message” Review Manovich’s five points
New Media Characteristics A blend of characteristics from “old” media Print Radio Film TV
Print Characteristics Abstract Fixed Linear Primarily verbal Reader controls pace Transient audience
Radio Characteristics Dynamic Linear “Live” — happening in real time Auditory Creator controls pace Transient audience
TV Characteristics Dynamic Linear “Live” — may be happening now Primarily visual Animated Creator controls pace Transient audience
Film Characteristics Fixed Linear Primarily visual Animated Creator controls pace Captive audience
New Media Typically nonlinear Dynamic “Live” (maybe) Multi-media (visual, auditory) Relies on hypertext User controls pace and direction Transient audience
Source: One new technology
Hypertext Presents information as linked nodes Breaks the linear narrative Envisioned by Vannevar Bush (1945) Coined by Ted Nelson Apple : Hypercard Online (software) Help systems Tim Berners-Lee
Networks of Remediation (1/5) “A medium is that which remediates” … and it is measured “against” other media (like we just did) New media in turn change the “older” media TV … tickertape Print … adopting web design conventions
Networks of Remediation (2/5) Economic success depends on supplanting a pre-existing medium Conflict: newspaper websites v paper Conflict: CDs v downloadable (sharable) songs Hypermediacy Survivor… The Apprentice… mediated or authentic?
Networks of Remediation (3/5) How do we separate technology from its social use? Can we? Technological determinism : says technology causes social change … Social determinism is the converse Corollary: “nature versus nurture” … “'technology-push” v “demand-pull” Can new media technology offer us transparent democracy? Howard Rheingold, John Perry Barrow
Networks of Remediation (4/5) Postman: “the uses made of technology are largely determined by the structure of the technology itself” For example, arguably the underlying Net Tech is ‘old’ (TCP/IP) and yet adoption has proved to be a function of ‘ease of use’ (new software) and social necessity (network effects)
Networks of Remediation (5/5) “The Male Gaze” Which economic sector was the first to be profitable online? (hint: the first letter is “p”) Are webcams mediating today’s “strip tease” by providing a sense of immediacy and transparency? What about sites like “Wicked Weasel Bikinis” (Australian firm)?
McLuhan (1/4) Believes media (technologies) affect cultural (social) change Differentiates between a medium and its content Same content (words) is a different message when delivered in print, face- to-face, or on television
McLuhan (2/4) Historical Construct Tribal Age (oral culture – intuitive) Age of Literacy (invention of phonetic alphabet – emergence of logic) Print Age (invention of printing press – linear thinking – science – individualism) Electronic Age (ushered in with telegraph, poster child: TV – global village – decline of logic and linearity - image) image
McLuhan (3/4) Theorizes that a print culture created conformity and continuity Think about America’s #1 export: culture/movies/logos Western technology and remote geographies: Al Jazerra – satellite technology to most of the Middle East; banned by several ME countries
McLuhan (4/4) Compare our immediate knowledge of the 26 December Tsunami with the 1556 Chinese earthquake that killed 830,000 If, as he suggests, print created individualism and nationalism … what might networked communication create? Will familiarity breed contempt or collaboration?
Manovich’s Five (1/6) Numerical Representation Modularity Automation Variability Transcoding
Manovich’s Five (2/6) Numerical representation “zero’s and one’s” Vector graphics v Bitmaps Analog v Digital Early complaints about CD v LP
Manovich’s Five (3/6) Modularity The “whole” consists of many “objects” Example from blog: Google Images PPT and Excel HTML page (javascript, JPGs, etc) Individual blog posts
Manovich’s Five (4/6) Automation What computers do best! From blog post: “Apple’s new OS X Tiger… and Automator” Photoshop automation; running “Cron” jobs; database driven websites RSS readers Object management and search (Google)
Manovich’s Five (5/6) Variability Website customization possible by automation Presenting data (shaping appearance) based on output device: monitor, PDA, cellphone Scaling (zoom – Google Maps)Google Maps
Manovich’s Five (6/6) Transcoding Two distinct layers: cultural layer and technology layer … the intersection is a field called Human-Computer Interaction
Summary We define (or frame) new media in comparison to old media There is an intrinsic relationship between content and technology: both contribute to meaning Churchill : “we shape our buildings and then our buildings shape us”