Assistive Technologies in Education Hayley Bunnell Technology for Educators
Students with physical, sensory, or cognitive disabilities can face many barriers to learning. For students with disabilities that have interfere with their communication, learning, social relationships or active participation, assistive technology supports their participation in learning experiences in the least restrictive environments. Assistive technologies (AT) are any tools that help these students with disabilities do things more quickly, easily, or independently. They increase a student’s opportunities for education, social interactions, and meaningful employment. Students with motor disabilities may not be able to hold a pencil to write answers on a test, or a compass to do a math lesson. Students with learning disabilities may not be able to decode words in printed text. Assistive Technology Background/Purpose
Federal Law Supporting AT The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education, and related services to children with disabilities. This law mandates that assistive technology devices and services be considered for each child with a disability. A student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP), which is part of IDEA, must include information about a student's current abilities and how his or her disability affects involvement and progress in the general curriculum. The IEP must also include the program modifications and supports the school and teachers will provide to help a student’s involvement and progress in the general curriculum. These can include assistive technologies.
Types of Assistive Technology AT can assist teachers and students at all levels of education. General Examples: Modified keyboards Talk to text programs Hearing aids Closed captioned TV Webcams Screen enlargers Audio books
IntelliTools IntelliTools' mission is to provide outstanding technology to help all students learn to their fullest potential. They create educational software and adaptive hardware products that deliver multisensory instruction to meet diverse learning needs as well as professional development to help teachers use our products easily and effectively. IntelliTools designs products for students who face challenges ranging from learning disabilities to significant physical disabilities. IntelliTools' products include: IntelliKeys IntelliTalk IntelliPics Studio IntelliTools Classroom Suite
IntelliKeys IntelliKeys is a programmable alternative keyboard that provides access for anyone with physical, visual, or cognitive disabilities who has difficulty using a standard keyboard. It is a customizable, flat, touch-sensitive device. Unlike standard keyboards with a fixed set of keys, the configuration of IntelliKeys can be easily changed by using different overlays – providing individualized support for young students or the learning disabled. Standard overlays allow students to work with writing, math, and drawing programs as well as the internet. -Alphabet overlay -Basic writing overlay -QWERTY overlay -Web overlay -Math access overlay -Mouse access overlay -Set-up overlay You can also create customized overlays with the Overlay Maker software.
IntelliTalk IntelliTalk 3 is an innovative and award-winning word processor that allows students to combine graphics, text, and speech to support and enhance writing and communication skills. The program allows teachers to track students’ activity responses and quiz answers, and then record, report, and print student records for student assessment. Text can be read back to the student -- a word, a sentence, or a page at a time, allowing them to hear if they have left out or misspelled a word. Graphics from IntelliTalk 3's picture library or student's own graphics can be added to documents, providing support for beginning readers and enhancing quizzes and student reports.
IntelliPics Studio IntelliPics Studio is a software program that is used for creating multimedia reports, presentations and activities across grade levels and content areas. Curriculum activities come to life and engage students, while paint and drawing tools; animation tools; video, sound, and image importing and easy presentation templates engage students and set the stage for exciting slide shows, storybooks, and presentations.
IntelliTools Classroom Suite
Research and Media Sources Classroom Suite by IntelliTools: Classroom Suite V4 Overview Curriculum Access through Assistive Technologies IntelliTools Main Site IntelliTools Product Information