Local Public Agencies FHWA Headquarters Perspective AASHTO Right-of-Way and Utilities Subcommittee Meeting Oklahoma City, OK – April 21, 2009 John Turpin, SR/WA
Local Public Agencies How many LPA’s are there?
Local Public Agencies How many LPA’s are there? What types of LPA’s are there?
Local Public Agencies How many LPA’s are there? What types of LPA’s are there? What types of projects are there?
Local Public Agencies How many LPA’s are there? What types of LPA’s are there? What types of projects are there? How are they organized?
Local Public Agencies How many LPA’s are there? What types of LPA’s are there? What types of projects are there? How are they organized? Order of magnitude
Local Public Agencies Best practices
Local Public Agencies Areas of concern
Local Public Agencies What can HQ do to help Division Offices facilitate oversight and stewardship?
Local Public Agencies What can HQ do to help Division Offices facilitate oversight and stewardship? Serve as coordinators for consistency among the Divisions
Local Public Agencies What can HQ do to help Division Offices facilitate oversight and stewardship? Serve as coordinators for consistency among the Divisions Provide clarifying guidance and program flexibility
Local Public Agencies What can HQ do to help Division Offices facilitate oversight and stewardship? Serve as coordinators for consistency among the Divisions Provide clarifying guidance and program flexibility Facilitate the sharing of best practices and lessons learned
Local Public Agencies What can HQ do to help Division Offices facilitate oversight and stewardship? Formulate a training approach for the LPA program.
Local Public Agencies What can HQ do to help Division Offices facilitate oversight and stewardship? Formulate a training approach for the LPA program Provide technical assistance with procedural and/or regulatory questions
Local Public Agencies Tools that are currently available The FHWA Real State Website: The Real Estate Exchange
Local Public Agencies Summary
Local Public Agencies Q & A and Discussion John Turpin (202)