Mandated Reporter A mandated reporter is required BY LAW to report any SUSPECION of abuse. Mandated reporters include: –Teachers/Coaches –Adults working on school campus –Firemen/Policemen –Doctors/nurses
The Following Must Be Reported (By Law) Harm to yourself or others (suicide or homicide) Carrying a weapon (bringing it to school) Drugs (possession of drugs, selling of drugs, and/or coming to class “high” Abuse
4 Types of Abuse 1.Physical 2.Verbal (mental/emotional) 3.Neglect 4.Sexual
Physical Abuse Hitting Punching Kicking Shaking Stabbing Burning
Verbal Abuse Name Calling Put Downs
Neglect Parent / guardian fails to provide the basic needs Food Water Clothing Shelter Medical Care
Sexual Abuse Any sexual act without consent (permission). Approximately 1 in 4 girls and one is 6 boys will be sexually abused by the time that they reach 18.
Warning Signs Of An Abuser Controlling behavior (what to wear/how to act/where to go) Jealousy and/or possessiveness Isolation (pulls individual away from family and friends) Insulting/humiliating Demanding Stalking Threatens to hurt him/herself