Group: COAHUILTECANS & KARANKAWAS Coahuiltecans- Lived on the southern coast Lived in temporary dwellings made of mud and animal skins Semi-arid brush land Hunted deer & smaller animals Gathered mesquite beans, nuts, berries, cacti, worms, lizards, insects & roots
Group 2: KARANKAWAS Lived between Corpus Christi and Galveston Made dugout canoes Gathered food in rivers Marshy areas Used shark & alligator grease as mosquito repellent
Groups: CADDOES, ATAKAPANS, ALABAMA- COUSHATTAS Lived in an area of fertile soil and plenty of rainfall Cleared forests and planted crops Pumpkins, beans and corn Hunted Built permanent dwellings with timber Created colorful crafts Rugs, baskets, and pottery Developed trade networks and complex societies
Group: CADDOES Largest East Texas group- along Angelina and Neches Rivers Built sturdy grass lodges Lived in villages Caddi- Chief joined together to form federations. Ex: the Hasinai Confederacy Women played important role- controlled entire family
Group: ATAKAPANS Southeast Texas/Southwest Louisiana Marshy wetlands Hunted small animals from dugout canoes Gathered roots, berries, shellfish
Group: ALABAMA- COUSHATTAS Came from Alabama in 1700s Trinity River 1780s- moved to Big Thicket area Lived in cabins Skilled in making baskets & crafts
North, West, and Central Texas Groups: APACHES, COMANCHES, & KIOWAS Essential resource: the buffalo Used everything: meat, bones, skin Buffalo herds constantly migrated therefore the tribes following them were nomadic Dangerous hunting lives
Group: APACHES Moved into Texas in 1600s Mescalero Apaches- raided other groups in West Texas Lipan Apaches- hunted and lived in farming communities Hunted- wore high boots of soft leather Enemies: the Comanches
Group: COMANCHES Migrated from Canada in the 1700s Fierce warriors Skilled at riding horses “lords of the plains” skilled traders Depended on horses Women wore finely decorated buckskin dresses
Group: KIOWAS Moved from South Dakota & Montana in late 1700s Joined with the Comanches Master riders, among the most feared native groups Painted pictures of important events on tepees Made beautiful beaded crafts Developed a calendar
Groups: JUMANOS & TIGUAS Group: JUMANOS Lived along the Rio Grande from El Paso to the Big Bend area Square, one roomed houses made of adobe Planted crops along the river
Group: TIGUAS Came to Texas in the late 1600s with Spanish settlers Formed community, Ysleta del Sur “Little Island of the South” Lived in adobe houses and cooked food in adobe ovens Grew crops & corn Hunted Made beautiful pottery