Module 1 Lesson 1 Ten-Frame Flash I will show you a ten-frame card. Be ready to tell me how many dots you see. Try to get faster each time. Put the answer.


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Presentation transcript:

Module 1 Lesson 1 Ten-Frame Flash I will show you a ten-frame card. Be ready to tell me how many dots you see. Try to get faster each time. Put the answer sign on your chest when you are ready to tell me. When I take the slide down I will call on an individual to say the answer, or I will say class for you all to call out the answer.

9 How much does 9 need to make 10?

9 How much does 9 need to make 10? 1 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with 9.

9 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with =10 Tell me a related subtraction sentence starting with 10.

9 10-1=9 10-9=1

8 How much does 8 need to make 10?

8 How much does 8 need to make 10? 2 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with 8.

8 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with =10 Tell me a related subtraction sentence starting with 10.

8 10-2=8 10-8=2

2 How much does 2 need to make 10?

2 How much does 2 need to make 10? 8 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with 2.

2 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with =10 Tell me a related subtraction sentence starting with 10.

2 10-8=2 10-2=8

5 How much does 5 need to make 10?

5 How much does 5 need to make 10? 5 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with 5.

5 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with =10 Tell me a related subtraction sentence starting with 10.

5 10-5=5

7 How much does 7 need to make 10?

7 How much does 7 need to make 10? 3 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with 7.

7 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with =10 Tell me a related subtraction sentence starting with 10.

7 10-3=7 10-7=3

3 How much does 3 need to make 10?

3 How much does 3 need to make 10? 7 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with 3.

3 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with =10 Tell me a related subtraction sentence starting with 10.

3 10-7=3 10-3=7

6 How much does 6 need to make 10?

6 How much does 6 need to make 10? 4 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with 6.

6 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with =10 Tell me a related subtraction sentence starting with 10.

6 10-4=6 10-6=4

4 How much does 4 need to make 10?

4 How much does 4 need to make 10? 6 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with 4.

4 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with =10 Tell me a related subtraction sentence starting with 10.

4 10-6=4 10-4=6

10 How much does 10 need to make 10?

10 How much does 10 need to make 10? 0 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with 10.

10 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with =10 Tell me a related subtraction sentence starting with 10.

10 Tell me a related subtraction sentence starting with =10

0 How much does 0 need to make 10?

0 How much does 0 need to make 10? 10 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with 10.

0 Say the addition number sentence to make 10, starting with =10 Tell me a related subtraction sentence starting with 10.

0 10-0=10

Say Ten counting Use Rekenrek- Show a ten and 3= 13 is ten 3 Say and model with beads ten 1, ten 2, ten 3, ten 4, ten 5, ten 6, ten 7, ten 8, ten 9, 2 tens ten 9, ten 8, ten 7, ten 6, ten 5, ten 4, ten 3, ten 2, ten 1, ten

Happy Counting with thumb and no beads Watch my thumb to go up, pause, or down Let’s count by ones starting at ten 3 Next do with regular numbers starting with 13

Say ten as ten plus facts If I say ten 2, you say 10+2=12 What do you say if I say thirteen? Ten 5, fourteen, ten 6, seventeen, eighteen, ten 5, eleven, ten 8, ten 1

Sprint Time!! You will have 60 seconds to do as many problems as you can. I don’t expect you to finish all of them, but do as many as you can accurately. Take your mark! Get set! THINK! Circle the last problem you did. I will read just the answers. If you got it right, call out “Yes!” If you make a mistake, circle it. Ready? Right the number you got correct at the top of your page. This is your personal goal for sprint B. Put your hand up and leave it up until I say one more than you got correct. Jumping jacks while counting by 5s then tens. Sprint B Stand if you got more than one correct on the second sprint than on the first. Remain standing until number is called. Take a moment to think about the patterns you notice and go back and fix your mistakes. Rally Robin thinking with a partner for one minute. Put in take home leave home.

Target practice game. Game sheet, white board, 1 numeral die 1.Write the target number 10 in the circle at the top right of the target practice template. 2. Partner A rolls the die and writes the number rolled in one part of the first number bond. 3. Partner B makes a bull’s eye by writing the missing part that is needed to make ten. (Use fingers as models. Show addend on fingers and look at tucked fingers to determine partner to make ten)

Pairs to ten with number bonds. Partners get dry erase boards. I’ll draw a number bond, partner A writes the missing part to make 10. Partner B checks. Tally points. Erase only the two bottom numbers then it is Partner Bs turn to write and Partner A will check and tally point. 8, 9, 7, 3, 6, 4, 1, 10,

Student Debrief 1. What math work did we do today that you remember from last year? 2. What do you hope to get better at in math this year? 3. Do you have a favorite math fact and why? 4. Can you figure out the math goal of today’s lesson? 5. What name would you give this lesson? 6. Can you teach your family this tonight? 7. Use your homework sheet tonight to help teach them? Test folders up and complete the exit tickets. Questions may be read aloud.