Gueorgui ANTCHEV PH-TOT TOTEM Collaboration Meeting – March TOTEM System in H8 - Overview, Block Diagram and Main Characteristics Applications - “T2 Hybrid” and Detector Tests - “RP Hybrid” Test Current Status - Hardware Modules Test System Conclusions
Gueorgui ANTCHEV PH-TOT TOTEM Collaboration Meeting – March TOTEM System in H8 Overview, Block Diagram, Characteristics Main Characteristics: Control and Readout of - Up to 16 “T2 Hybrids" and up to 2 “RP Hybrids”; Store and Present Data - Readout and Monitor Software S-Link OptoRX 12 fibers 1 Ext. Trigg T2 up to 16 hybrids Transition Board In RP RP up to 2 hybrids Out RP Clock to INIT OptoRX NIM Crate Trigger Readout PC FECFEC VME Crate CPUCPU DOHM Out DOHM In DOHM Counting Room Control PC Transition Board CCUM DCU Out T2 VFAT Emulator GOH’s In T2 1 Data Packets Clock LVDS Trigger Control Loop 40MHz clock CCUM DCU VFAT Emulator GOH’s 4 VFAT’s + DCU 1 VFAT Detector Area
Gueorgui ANTCHEV PH-TOT TOTEM Collaboration Meeting – March Applications (1) Up to 16 T2 Hybrids 8 with + 8 w/o Trigger bits …….... To DOHM From DOHM “T2 Hybrid” and Detector Tests T1 Clock Data Fiber
Gueorgui ANTCHEV PH-TOT TOTEM Collaboration Meeting – March Applications (2) Transition Board RP Hybrid Tested up to now: RP Hybrid #1 (rig) Chip ID # - VFAT 1 - F3FB - VFAT 2 - F3F1 - VFAT FB - VFAT 4 - F3EF - DCU - 83F55B - FPGA - CAFE RP Hybrid #2 (rig) Chip ID # - VFAT 1 - N.A. - VFAT 2 - F3FD - VFAT FD - VFAT EF - DCU - 83F153 - FPGA - CAFÉ RP Hybrid #3 (flex) Chip ID # - VFAT 1 - F2C5 - VFAT 2 - N.A. - VFAT 3 - F2D7 - VFAT D7 - DCU ED - FPGA - CAFE “RP Hybrid” Test To DOHM From DOHM T1 Clock Data Fiber
Gueorgui ANTCHEV PH-TOT TOTEM Collaboration Meeting – March Current Status (1) “Transitions Module” – 3pcs. - 2 for T2 & T1; - 1 for RP; “VFAT Emulator” – 3pcs. - 2 equipped with 5 GOH; - 1 with 1 GOH – repaired; “GEM Hybrid” - Ver.1 (old); - Ver.2; - Several used on T2 and T1; “RP Hybrid” – 3pcs. - 2 Ver.1 – solid PCB; - 1 Ver.2 – flex PCB “DOHM” - 1pc. “OptoRX” - 1pc. “S-Link64” - 1pc. “FEC + Controller + Crate - 1pc.
Gueorgui ANTCHEV PH-TOT TOTEM Collaboration Meeting – March Firmware: - PLL and Clock Generation 40MHz; - T1 Commands; - Internal or External Trigger - DATA Input Buffer (FIFO); - Synch. With DATA Valid - TRIGGER Input Buffer (FIFO); - Use also for Trigger – CC logic - DATA and TRIGGER Output Buffers; - GOH Modules Control; - I2C interface Modes: - Internal Trigger/Commands and Pattern; - External Trigger/Data from VFAT Hybrids; - I2C Control Current Status (2) Test System in H8 now is: - Capable to Control and Readout “T2 Hybrid” and “RP Hybrid”; - Optimized for max of 4 fibers (4 x 16 VFAT Data Outputs);
Gueorgui ANTCHEV PH-TOT TOTEM Collaboration Meeting – March Test System (in my office) Overview, Block Diagram, Characteristics This System now is: - Capable to Control and (with FPGA code modification) to Readout the “T2 Hybrid” and “RP Hybrid”; - Trigger Commands and Clock are I2C programmable; - Simple “USB I2C Controller” (from MIC group) to “TOTEM Setup” and FTDI Software; Up to 2 RP Hybrids T2 Hybrid VFAT Emulator + Transition Board Control / Readout PC Up to 16 T2 Hybrids I2C USB Adapter I2C USB FTDI program
Gueorgui ANTCHEV PH-TOT TOTEM Collaboration Meeting – March Conclusions (1) TOTEM System in H8: - Capable to Control and Readout “T2 Hybrid” and “RP Hybrid”; - Optimized for max of 4 fibers (4 x 16 VFAT Data Outputs); - Complex and needs min. 2 persons (hardware + software) to run it: - Stable for short runs, but never tested for long (days for example); - Has unique hardware components temporary build (DOHM for example) to satisfy Test Beam ‘06 requirements; - Run only one time with T1 detector; - Inconvenient to test the hybrids - space, cleanness, store, materials, tools Test System for the Hybrids (T2,RP)? - Simple, portable and easy to use system is needed; - How much effort to build it (hardware + software) and when? - Ideas and proposals - do be discussed
Gueorgui ANTCHEV PH-TOT TOTEM Collaboration Meeting – March Conclusions (2) TOTEM Electronics – now exist priorities as design of: - RP Motherboard + Mezzanines; - GEM Motherboard; - 11-th Card; - DOHM Card, etc…; - Testing of all this TOTEMINO ’07: - Electronics is very dependent from the goals foreseen (for example); - How many detectors? - How many channels per detector? - What we want to test?