When you compare two fractions, you decide which is greater or which is less. If the fractions have common denominators, compare their numerators. The fraction with the greater numerator is the greater fraction. Lets compare Do we have common denominators? Which is larger 7 or 3? Let’s check with an illustration.
How do theses fractions compare? We will compare the fractions two at a time. Let’s take the first two fractions. Do they have common denominators? Yes, so lets look at the numerators. Which is larger 3 or 1? Now take the smaller and compare it to the remaining fraction. Do we still have common denominators? Yes, so which is larger 1 or 2?
What if the fractions do not have common denominators? With uncommon denominators we are going to cross multiply to determine which fraction is larger Now which is larger 14 or 15? So, which fraction is larger? 3737
Let’s try a few together. Choose the symbol that completes the number sentence Put these in order from greatest to least