Selling Activities Earning additional income!
All About Hawaii has over 130 Activities through out the Islands Luau’s Dinner Shows Whale Watch Tours Adventure Tours Air/Helicopter Tours Golf Packages Polynesian Cultural Center Diving and Fishing Adventures Pro Bowl Just a few examples to help you make your clients vacation memorable!
Activities can be made either by Phone or over the Internet
If you need information………………. Look at our website……………………… Each activity has a fact sheet………….. A few Examples………………….
Making a reservation online is a simple process If you need a demonstration please contact your Sales Rep. You may also contact our Internet Desk You may also contact our Reservation Center to book an Activity.
We don’t care how you make a reservation…… We just want you to book All About!
To help you sell activities we encourage you to consider some ideas: Tracking your sales. Bring up two activities. Have a contest. Have a book of activities. Signage on your desk. Create a “catch-phrase”.
Why should you sell activities………………………
Statistic The average person in Hawaii spends $ during their vacation on activities!The average person in Hawaii spends $ during their vacation on activities!
Let’s set a Goal ! Sell 2 activities a week. $ X 2 = $ $800 X 52 weeks = $41, We pay 12% Commission.
You will earn an additional $ in yearly income!
Thank you If you need: Customized flyers, PDF flyers for ing or other promotional materials. Please contact your Area Sales Manager.