The 1950s Rebels
1950s FEAR = Teenagers juvenile delinquency -- antisocial or criminal behavior of young people The book 1,000,000 Delinquents predicted that by million teens would have criminal records.
Mostly white artist who felt “beat down” by American culture. Looked for alternative lifestyles (rejected suburbia) They are the rebels, the non-conformists Ex: Jack Kerouac who wrote “On The Road”
RR ock ‘n’ roll = music with a loud and heavy beat. 11 st played by Alan Freed, Cleveland, Ohio II nfluenced by African American rhythm and blues. SS CARED parents! = Generation gap
Fear = African American music will influence white teens!!!
Little Richard Elvis Chuck Berry
New Dance Moves The Stroll The Stroll The Fly The Fly The Twist The Twist
Decline of Inner City White families moved to suburbs and inner cities were home to poor, less educated minority groups No more taxes from middle class = deterioration of cities Urban renewal programs try to help eliminate poverty Tear down slums Build new high rise buildings for poor residents Government made the poor stay poor & would evict residents as soon as they began to earn $$ $$ $$
II n your groups you will have 1 day to write a rock n roll song about one of the following groups: AAfrican Americans NNative Americans HHispanic Americans PPeople living in the Appalachian Mts. YY our song must tell a story about your group’s experiences in the 1950s. YY ou must have/include: vvocabulary words from the reading 33 stanzas & 3 repeated chorus 11 copy of the song is due to me by the end of class.