Black & White Photo Series By: Cristina Barnhardt Photos taken by Cristina Barnhardt
Texture Shutter speed: 200 Aperture: 5.6 lighting is strait from the sun at the beach I took this photo on the beach in California I wrote LOVE in the sand and waiting for the tide to come up and I took the shot. I was just trying to make a photo that shows the Romanic feeling when looking at the photo on the beach with the tide just about to hit the words
Tonal Contrast Shutter speed: 300 Aperture: 5.6 lighting: the lighting is coming from the sunset. I took this photo as we were driving to pick up my brother and I saw the way the clouds were with the sunset and the minute the airplane come it was just the right shot to take I was trying to capture the movie moment that everyone tries to get but never works
Shape/Form Shutter speed: 100 Aperture: 8 lighting the sun light I took this shot at Sea World California I thought the plant look nice so I went at an angle to get the sun light coming from the top of the photograph I wasn’t really trying to achieve much in this photo just a different look at nature
lighting Shutter speed: 100 Aperture: 5.6 lighting: all sun light I took this photo at Elliston Park for my sister because she wanted a photos done and she knew I could take good photos The photo is showing the happiness she has, the lighting for this was a bit hard due to the sun being really bright that day
Portraiture Shutter speed:200 Aperture: 5.6 lighting: bathroom lighting I took this photo just for the fun of it trying out new things with my camera and it turned out to be a great photo. The difficulties were the lighting because the bathroom lighting isn’t the best lighting to try and take good photographs in.
Landscape Shutter speed: 100 Aperture:5.6 lighting: natural lighting from the sun I took this photo in California at the Golden Bridge trying to the the bridge and the water in a nice shot I wasn’t trying to achieve really much in this photo just one of those photos you see in movies or those photos you see up on peoples walls
Architecture Shutter speed: 100 Aperture: 5.6 lighting: sun light I took this photo in downtown Calgary on a failed trip we went on with the photography class I was trying to show the old style of building we still have downtown and how they still can look just as nice as the nice ones
Street Photography Shutter speed: 100 Aperture: 5.6 lighting: sun light I took this photo in California at the Santa Monica pier with my dad I was trying to show the fun that we you can have down at Santa Monica beach
Still Life Shutter speed:200 Aperture:5.6 lighting: sun light I took this photo at school last year for a photography project I was trying to she the different look a flower has when you look at it at a different angle
Freebie Shutter speed: 200 Aperture:5.6 lighting: sun light I took this photo at the Calgary Zoo in the summer every time I came by them they would put their feathers up and walk to me. I wanted to show the beauty of the peacocks feathers