Future: PDCC and Spreadsheets Information About a New “Branch” of PDCC
PDCCv3.9 In Development New command line component uses Jython GUI is like PDCC3.8, but allows for automatic updates You use a formatted Excel spreadsheet to modify dataless entries, clone stations, and output a new dataless.
Procedures Edit the spreadsheet (“station clone form”): – to read an existing dataless SEED, OR – to read a prototype dataless containing typical instrument deployment profiles – change only the fields needed for each new station – The spreadsheet can be used repeatedly; serves as a document of your station lifecycle
Use Cases Large networks with similar hardware Modify station and/or channel parameters after hardware changes/site visits Generate an exact copy of a reference station entry, but only change specific fields. When run, outputs new dataless
Format of the Form Form is partitioned into sections to delimit the type of changes you make Find an example spreadsheet on your USB stick in the PDCC3.9 directory Brief screenshots here to illustrate: