are not hard to understand. They are just misunderstood.
A complex sentence has one ( I ) independent clause and one or more ( D ) dependent clauses. I D I will rake the leaves myself / unless you want to join me.
A dependent clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb that cannot stand alone. Often they use subordinating conjunctions. D The game will end / when one team scores. when
Subordinating conjunctions are words that show the relationship of the dependent clause to the independent clause. Kathy will be late for dinner since the meeting is still in progress.
after even if sincealthough even though so that asifthan as if in order that though as long as just as unless as soon as likeuntil as though oncewhen becauseprovidedwhenever before rather than while
ID- Independent Clause + Dependent Clause D, I- Dependent Clause, Independent Clause
Dependent Clause First (Comma Needed) When I get to Phoenix, you will be sleeping. After the players practiced, they went out for a pizza. Until the storm is over, we will not know about the damage.
Independent Clause First (No Comma Needed) You will be sleeping when I get to Phoenix. The players went out for a pizza after they practiced. We will not know about the damage until the storm is over.
Underline the Independent Clause once and Dependent Clause twice. Circle the subordinating conjunction. Write the formula. (ID or D,I) I D S V S I will rake the leaves myself unless you V want to join me. The formula is: ID unless
Now take out your worksheet titled “Complex Sentence Exercises” and follow the instructions. You will work in groups of three on this assignment. Remember to use your clues and your formulas for complex sentences when identifying your different clauses.