Our power points consist of two components, with an optional third Active Neutral Earth (optional)
This is a typical diagram for wiring of an appliance. Note Earth is there for safety, and not used in all appliances.
The active end is connected to the active supply and puts out an oscillating +340v to - 340v or 240v RMS The neutral end is connected to the neutral terminal of the supply box. This is then connected to the Earth, with a rod into the ground. So the electricity flows out of the active and into the neutral.
Split into groups of 4 Find out about 1. What kind of Voltage can kill someone? 2. What effect does current have on the human body? In respect to exposure time and/or amount of current. 3. How would you treat someone who has been shocked? 4. Name a piece of medical equipment that uses or measures electrical activity and discuss how it works. 5. Discuss with class.
Out of your power point, we run 240v AC The power is supplied at 10 Amperes What is the power at a power point?
Being AC, this means the direction of the flow current changes.
Power, energy and the relationship with voltage and current. Power is how fast energy is being converted to another form. i.e. Electricity to heat (toaster) or Electricity to sound (speaker). Power = Energy / Time Energy = Power x Time
As we know electricity is made up of two main parts current and voltage. We get our Power from current and Voltage so: Power = Voltage x Current, (P = VI) Energy = Voltage x Current x time (E = VIt)
Damaged extension cords or appliances can ‘leak’ electricity. This leak can result in a short circuit, damaging the appliance or even you. To stop this from happening, older buildings used fuses. A fuse will melt if it has too much current and create an open circuit.
Newer buildings and large supply boxes use circuit breakers. If they detect a high load of current, they will open, creating an open circuit.
Most appliances have a power rating listed somewhere on them. Usually given in Watts. A Microwave might use Watts, a Toaster 1800 Watts. If the AC Supply is 240v and Toaster uses 1800 Watts 1. What is the current the toaster draws? 2. What is the resistance of the toaster in use?
Harry is charging his phone at home. (assume 240v rms) It draws a current of 1.5 Amps How much power does it draw? If left charging for four hours, how much energy has he used in; i) kWh? ii) Joules?
Storage cells are special types of cells that current can be reversed through them. This reverses the process that produces the charge, meaning you can recharge the battery List some common types.