S upport for Local Authorities Neil Marshall Chief Executive
Represent manufacturers and installers –CWI, EWI, IWI, Hybrid –Loft/Roof Insulation –Draught Proofing/Air Leakage 170 members - GB and NI Full service TA –Promote the benefits of insulation –Range of membership services –Industry representation –Work in partnership with like minded organisations Maintain Standards –Membership criteria, –Code of Professional Practice Who we are
NIA/SWIGA SWI Industry Framework and Guarantee
The Opportunity for SWI Around 7m homes with solid walls 2.3m by 2022 to hit Climate Change Targets C. 10 fold increase in industry capacity Key area of focus in the Green Deal and ECO Social housing will have key role in early stages
Market Size m 2 (Million) m 2 /capita Poland Germany Czech Republic Italy Austria Slovakia France UK The European Market: External Wall Insulation
The Challenge Provide cross stakeholder confidence Rapid expansion of EWI/IWI industry capacity whilst maintaining quality and standards Ensure robust technical solutions and quality installations to deliver in situ savings Provide consumer reassurance and protection
Potential Obstacles EWI currently a specialist market IWI a fragmented market Fragmented accreditation Lack of a formal skills and training framework Lack of a formal surveillance scheme No robust, cohesive consumer guarantee Lack of consumer awareness and confidence Regulatory issues - Planning and Building Regs
Create a new uniform industry platform/guarantee EWI, IWI, Hybrid Systems Utilise new and existing members expertise Dedicated Project Team to fast track the development Collaborative/partnership working NIA/SWIGA Approach
14 major EWI manufacturers/system designers 32 EWI Installer companies 6 major IWI manufacturers 16 IWI Installer companies NIA Membership
Stakeholder Review Development Group Project Team External Wall Internal Wall Marketing PR NIA/SWIGA SWI Organisation
Quality Assurance: Training and Skills Best Practice Guides Approved Installers Surveillance Scheme Robust Standard Solutions Consumer Protection Guarantee Scheme Codes of Practice Arbitration Service The Framework
Review EWI and IWI existing approvals and supply chains Set proposed minimum standards of accreditation Develop standard set of robust details Develop job related supplementary guidance sheets Devise ownership manual Development of Technical Framework
4 Point Plan in conjunction with Construction Skills: National Occupational Standards OSAT/ Current Skilled Workers Retraining – e.g. Cavity Wall Installers New Entrants/Apprenticeships Skills & Training
NIA/SWIGA/BBA partnership Installer Assessment Scheme Independent Inspection Scheme Undertake pilots Surveillance Scheme
Validate key elements of the framework Targeting 1,000 properties – representative mix Based on existing CERT/CESP/LA funded schemes Wider opportunities –Case studies –Impact on local community Timeline –Commence Summer 2011 –Evaluation and incorporation of learnings from first Phase Winter 2011 –Completion Autumn 2012 Pilots
Information – –Literature Communication –NIA Local Forums –CAN Network Meetings Access to members –Postcode Locator Issue expressions of interest/tenders Participation in NIA/SWIGA SWI Pilots Support Available