5v5 Basketball Captain's Meeting Checks made payable to: 'Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania'
Captain Responsibilities Understand and follow all Recreational Sports policies, rules, and guidelines Responsible for team conduct Team may pay the price for an individual’s actions Relay rules to team Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse Notify teammates when games and playoffs are Set preferences up on imleaguesimleagues Inform staff by 5pm day before for a default Forfeit if no notice is given or after 5pm the day before 2 forfeits will result in being dropped from the league 2 defaults will result in disqualification from playoffs
Player Responsibilities All players must bring Penn ID with them to all contests Cannot change teams once the first contest is played Can add players up through the last regular season game Players must play 1 game to be eligible for playoffs Can only play on 1 co-rec and 1 single-gender team No smoking, drug, or alcohol use Includes e-cigs and other vapor products In case of ejection, must leave facility immediately Meet with IM staff and consequences will be determined
Policies Forfeit will happen if team does not have 4 players checked in by game time 5 players needed on roster to be scheduled (by Wednesday, December 16 th at 11:59pm) No Game Time Additions Must be on the imleagues roster by 4:30pm the day of the game NO EXCEPTIONS! Co-Rec teams must have no more than a 1 gender difference in players 3 females and 2 males on the court if you have 5 2 and 2 if you have 4
Attire Close-toed athletic shoes Athletic shorts without pockets No jewelry Includes necklaces, wristbands, and watches Headbands only acceptable headwear All shirts/jerseys must be numbered Cannot use tape Pinnies will be provided for players who do not have numbers
General Rules Games will consist of two 16-minute halves 3 minute halftime 1 30 second timeout per half Ties will stand in regular season Overtime in playoffs will be a 2 minute half Clock will run for the entire first half Stops inside 2 minutes for all dead balls Will run for made shots
CoRec 3 females and 2 males on the court at all times 2 females and 2 males if only 4 players are present Male basket- 1 point Female basket 2 points Male from behind 3-point arc 2 points Female from behind 3-point arc 3 points Foul Shots will follow the above scoring
Playoffs All teams with a record above.500 will automatically be taken Exceptions: More than 1 default One team forfeit Forfeits/ejections due to sportsmanship (Department discretion) Teams with a record.500 or worse will only be taken if it evens out the playoff bracket Example: There are 7 eligible teams with a record above.500 so the top eligible team at.500 or below would be the 8th team taken
City 6 Undergrad Men’s, Women’s, and CoRec champions eligible Play against the champions for LaSalle, Villanova, St. Joe’s, Temple, and Drexel Saturday, March 19 th at St. Joe’s Open to any full-time, undergrad students Cannot be club or varsity basketball players Do not have to be on your team at the end of the season
Contact Information Chris Thomas Office Cell Dan Comas Office Cell Office