ABAG Infrastructure Interdependencies Workshop I January 31, 2012
BART: A Vital Transportation Link 5 Lines 104 Miles 4-County Service Area 360,000 Daily Weekday Ridership 150,000 Daily Cross Bay on BART During Peak Commute, BART Carries as Many People as the Bay Bridge Nearly 20 Million Trips/Year Made by Alameda County Residents
Interdependency with PG&E BART Traction Power Network 12 PG&E Switching Stations 1 KV Electric Third Rail 62 Substations; 46 Gap Breaker Stations
Examples of Actions BART Has Taken Evaluated Interdependencies Between BART and PG&E Power Feeds Evaluated Risks to Operations if Power is Lost Reduced Exposure to Impacts from Power Interruptions
Challenges to Mitigation Efforts Security Sensitive Information Keeping up with Change Keeping Mitigation on the Front Burner
Recommendations Build Relationships Now Share Emergency Response Plans Build Redundant Communication Links
For More Information: Tracy Johnson, BART Maintenance and Engineering BART Earthquake Safety Program Community Relations: Project Information Line: (510) Website: