To: Michael Baugh’s Theatre Class Grades From: Michael Baugh To: Michael Baugh’s Theatre Class Grades From: Michael Baugh
But 1 st …for your viewing pleasure… Hamlet Soliloquy (introducing you to language-for fun) Hamlet Soliloquy Tempest Trailer (introduction to the play) Tempest Trailer
1 st Step: Find your way to the web site: (no worries, the NoFear gives you modern translations) Click on the CHARACTERS link to become familiar with those in the story. Afterward, begin reading Act I, Scene I When you reach Act III scene I. Stop Now open the website link: Tempest Animated 1. Watch the video.Tempest Animated 1 3 rd Step: Continue reading Act III Scene I When you reach Act IV Scene I – Stop. Now watch : Tempest 2.Tempest 2 PROCESS We will produce
5 th Step: Continue by reading Act IV and then complete your reading of the play. Then open up: Tempest 3. Watch the clip.Tempest 3 PROCESS We will produce
8 th Step: REFLECT. Drawing parallels between Shakespeare’s The Tempest and you as a person. Out of those themes/topics/notions/image that were chosen by each student, each student will then select 1 theme & picture combination & discuss why that combination (a) seems most relevant in their life, (b) is truly interesting, (c) represents something or is symbolic for them. Put answers/responses in Scratch Sheet Tempest.docx.Scratch Sheet Tempest.docx 9 th Step: REFLECT. (As actors & as people) Look again at that theme/image combination. Do you feel that your choice says anything about you as (a) a person living in our society, (b) as an actor and what types of characters & roles you are drawn to, (c) what type of things you enjoy viewing as an audience member?, (d) and who would you cast yourself as in the play (does that choice speak volumes?) Write this in the Scratch Sheet. PROCESS: MORE EXCITING TASKS TO COMPLETE We will produce
CONCLUSION: “We [humans] are such stuff…As dreams are made on.” His body “suffer[s] a sea of change.” Hopefully, we have examined Shakespeare’s play and considered it’s relevance in our lives. The play offers us concepts such as forgiveness and repentance, as well as a changing of one’s heart, and hopefully this play has caused us to look inside of ourselves as people. The play also gives us memorable characters (and since many of us are drawn to those things that we can relate to), and we may have begun to discover ourselves as actors.
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