Advocate in your School District You are your best advocate!
Collaborate Create a shared document with colleagues so that others may share lesson plans, performance ideas, and other ideas that work. Consider observing or guest teaching in another music classroom
Combine Perform at Board of Education meetings Perform at district functions and Principal meetings Work with junior high or high school music teachers to perform with them at their concerts.
Invite Ask board members, administrators, and colleagues to your programs Ask high school students to perform for your students through singing, instrumental, or dance
Enrichment Create a district choir or Orff program Display art work created by students at their performances Create an Orff ensemble in your school Create a recorder, drum, or drama club in your school
Create An International Arts Festival- music, dance, art, food, clothing A folk dance class A creative movement class A summer music, art, or drama camp for students
Share Talk about the innovative things your students are doing Get the word out in the local paper Post some reflective comments from your students on your website Collect quotes from guests to share with school administrators