Teacher directions: Teachers, This presentation is designed to elicit conversation within your class. You can arrange in small groups for discussion, or.


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Presentation transcript:

Teacher directions: Teachers, This presentation is designed to elicit conversation within your class. You can arrange in small groups for discussion, or do whole class…it is really however you like. The directions are pretty simple. Show students each slide. Each slide contains a picture that references something involving dress code or electronics use at OHMS. Students are to use their school planner to determine if the activity depicted in the picture is acceptable at school or not. They need to provide evidence from the handbook to support their answer. If they don’t have a planner, they can work with a partner. We will not be supplying extras. Students may use this link ( t%20Handbook% pdf) to access the handbook online. t%20Handbook% pdf The slide after the picture will provide the answer and support so students will know if they were right or wrong.

OHMS Student Handbook: What Do You Know? Use your student handbook to find out if each activity is acceptable at OHMS and be able to explain why or why not.

Gum Chewing: Ok or not?

Page 8 of the Student Handbook states, “Don’t Chew It! At first, you will be reminded to spit gum out, but keep chewing and you will be assigned detention. If you keep breaking the rule, progressive discipline rules will apply.” Also, unless your teacher gives you permission to use your phone in class, it should be put away.

What to do when you are absent?

Page 3 of the Student Handbook states that after an absence, your parent must call the Attendance Secretary and within 48 hours of returning to school, parents/guardians need to provide a note or that includes the current date, the date(s) and reason for your absence, and parent/guardian signature. Students are granted the opportunity to make up work missed outside of class under reasonable conditions and time limits. Class work missed due to an unexcused absence may not be made up.

Backpacks in class?

According to page 4 of the Student Handbook, “Book bags, backpacks, and purses must be in lockers at all times. These items are not to be in classrooms or in the cafeteria during lunch time.” Backpacks should be put in your locker before 1 st period and left there until the end of the day.

Spraying Perfume or Cologne?

Page 8 of the handbook states, “While many students choose to wear fragrances to school, fragrances should be worn in moderation as to not distract, disrupt, or offend others.” Fragrances should not be brought to school.

Appropriate Hallway Behaviors?

Page 8 of the Student Handbook states the expectations of hallway behaviors at OHMS, which includes: Always walking, not running. “Be polite and stay to the right.” Respect the property and personal space of others. Avoid stopping in the middle of the hall. Use an indoor voice and appropriate language. Do not consume food or beverages in the hallways during passing time. Students must have a hallway pass if out of the classroom during class time or in the halls during lunch time. Students are expected to comply with requests from adults, including identifying themselves to a staff member.

Appropriate Locker Usage?

Page 10 of the handbook covers the expectations of using a locker, which includes: Treating your locker with respect Not sharing your combination Using your own locker. Do not let your friend put their stuff in your locker.

Dress Code: Sagging Your Pants?

According to page 6, under the Dress Code section, #1 states that clothes that show undergarments are not permitted. Pants, shorts, and skirts are to be pulled up and worn around the waist.

Dress Code: Spaghetti Straps?

According to page 6, under the Dress Code section, #5 states that sleeveless shirts that do not cover the shoulders or back are not permitted. Also, I am guessing that skirt is just a bit too short, as well.

Dress Code: Are These Too Short?

According to page 6, under the Dress Code section, #1 states that shorts and skirts should be at least fingertip length.

Dress Code: What Is The Problem?

According to page 6, under the Dress Code section, #2 states that any clothing that displays an offensive message in not permitted. The offensive message on this shirt is promoting clothing that is not allowed at school.

Electronics: Hang On While I Answer This…

While the policy on page 6 states that phone usage during class is up to the teacher, answering or talking on your phone during class without direct permission from the teacher will probably get your phone confiscated.

Electronics: My Mom Texted Me

According to pages 6 and 7, electronic devices are to be turned off and out of site during classes and passing time. Having them silenced is fine, too. If you are using your phone in the hall, it can be confiscated and a referral may be written.

Electronics: …But It Is An Emergency!

While it may be an emergency, you need to have teacher permission to use your phone in class. This is on page 6.

Electronics: It’s Lunch!

Students may use their phones in the cafeteria and in the courtyard during lunch and before or after school. However, they are not allowed to be used in the hallways at any time! This is on page 6.

Electronics: I Was Just Taking A Picture!

Electronics: I Was Just Taking A Picture Page 7 states clearly that there are to be no devices capable of taking pictures brought into the locker room. That means even if it is turned off, it can be confiscated. We do not want pictures of students who are changing being secretly taken then posted. Even if you post the picture at home, you will see Mr. Sisto and discipline will be given.