Click to edit Master subtitle style KEY DRIVERS OF CITIZEN SATISFACTION WITH PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY: PILOT REPORT 2009/2010 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs 21 JUNE 2011
Click to edit Master subtitle style INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Our Constitution (1996) and the Batho Pele White Paper (1997) requires that the Public Service regularly and systematically engage with citizens. Citizen engagement is important in eliciting feedback on how services are rendered in order to improve service delivery. As part of its mandate of monitoring and evaluation (M&E), the Public Service Commission (PSC) has since 2001/2002 adopted Citizen Satisfaction Surveys as one of its methodologies of engaging the citizens. Such evaluations help to ensure that the needs of the citizens can be responded to and promote good governance. During 2009/10, the PSC conducted a pilot of a Citizen Satisfaction Survey, based on the key drivers of citizen satisfaction. 33
Click to edit Master subtitle style OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objectives of the study were to: Develop South African-specific drivers of citizen satisfaction. Pilot the drivers of citizen satisfaction with selected Departments (Home Affairs, Health, Labour, Transport, Police and Justice and Constitutional Development). Assess the citizens’ level of satisfaction with the services rendered by the selected Public Service Departments. 44
Click to edit Master subtitle style METHODOLOGY Value for Money in Public Service delivery.Providing Redress where a promised standard of service has not been met. Outcome of the encounter with the Public Service. PHASE 1: The following South African-specific drivers of citizen satisfaction were developed and piloted: Treating the public with Courtesy and Consideration.Timeliness in service provision.Availability of Information on public services.Knowledge and Competence of staff.The condition of the Facilities in which services are deliveredFairness and Equity in service delivery.Accessibility to services. 55
Click to edit Master subtitle style METHODOLOGY cont… PHASE 2 A data collection instrument was developed. Purposive sampling was applied in selecting Departments (e.g. Home Affairs) and their service delivery points.Random sampling of service users was applied (total of 991 service users and 148 were the users of Home Affairs services). The focus was on the Civic counter services at the Home Affairs Offices, specifically on:Registrations (birth, marriage, death)Applications (ID, citizenship, passport, travel documents)Application for amendments. 66
Click to edit Master subtitle style FINDINGS DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE The profile of the service users surveyed is as follows: Gender AgeEducational level matric certificate 27% post matric qualification 26% completed some schooling 47%,Female 54%Male 46%25-34 yrs 33%35-54 yrs 33%below 25yrs 20%above 55yrs 14% 77
Click to edit Master subtitle style FINDINGS cont… OVERALL RATING OF THE IMPORTANCE OF THE DRIVERS OF CITIZEN SATISFACTION Timeliness, Information, Outcome, Knowledge and Competence of staff and Redress100% Facilities99.2% Accessibility98.5%Value for Money98.3%Courtesy97.8% Fairness ad Equity96.2% 88
Click to edit Master subtitle style SERVICE USERS’ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION WITH SERVICES RENDERED BY THE DEPARTMENT BASED ON THE DRIVERS ACCESSIBILITY TO SERVICES 2009/102006/07 Convenience of operating hours74.6%+11.6% (62.9%) Accessibility to facility Disability/elderly access53%+17.6% (36.1%) Ability to contact service points telephonically 52.2% At provincial level, 87.5% of the service users in Gauteng were the most satisfied with aspects of accessibility to services and 32.7% of the service users in KwaZulu-Natal were the least satisfied with this driver. FINDINGS cont… 99
Click to edit Master subtitle style SERVICE USERS’ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION WITH SERVICES RENDERED BY THE DEPARTMENT (CONT) COURTESY 2009/102006/07 Courtesy displayed by officials72.2%-2% (74.2%) At provincial level, all service users (100%) in the Eastern Cape, Free State and Gauteng were the most satisfied with the display of courtesy by officials and 35% of the service users in KwaZulu-Natal were the least satisfied with this driver. TIMELINESS Timeliness in service delivery51.5% At provincial level, all service users (100%) in Gauteng were the most satisfied with timeliness in service delivery and 17% of the service users in the North West were the least satisfied with this driver. FINDINGS cont… 1010
Click to edit Master subtitle style FINDINGS cont… SERVICE USERS’ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION WITH SERVICES RENDERED BY THE DEPARTMENT (CONT) INFORMATION 2009/102006/07 Availability of forms74.8%-12.9% (87.7%) User-friendliness of forms67.4% Signage/information boards67.2%+16.1% (51.1%) Information desk60.9% Information on the level and quality of service 56.4%-15.8% (72.2%) At provincial level, 84% of the service users in Mpumalanga were the most satisfied with all aspects of provision of information and 46% of the service users in KwaZulu-Natal were the least satisfied with this driver. 1111
Click to edit Master subtitle style FINDINGS cont… SERVICE USERS’ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION WITH SERVICES RENDERED BY THE DEPARTMENT (CONT) KNOWLEDGE AND COMPETENCE 2009/102006/07 Officials’ ability to understand your requirement 78.6% Official’s knowledge about services 74.3% Officials’ ability to accurately perform the services rendered 72.3%+3% (69.3%) At provincial level, all service users (100%) in Gauteng were the most satisfied with all the aspects of knowledge and competence of officials and 45.2% of the service users in the North West were the least satisfied with this driver. 1212
Click to edit Master subtitle style FINDINGS cont… SERVICE USERS’ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION WITH SERVICES RENDERED BY THE DEPARTMENT (CONT) FACILITIES 2009/102006/07 Cleanliness of facility 61.9% Security/safety 65% Waiting area 60.4% At provincial level, 86% of the service users in Gauteng were the most satisfied with all aspects of facilities and 29% of the service users in Limpopo were the least satisfied with this driver. FAIRNESS AND EQUITY The service was rendered without favour 87.8% You were treated fairly by officials 85% At provincial level, all service users (100%) in the Eastern Cape and Gauteng were the most satisfied with fairness and equity and 72% of the service users in KwaZulu-Natal were the least satisfied with this driver. 1313
Click to edit Master subtitle style FINDINGS cont… SERVICE USERS’ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION WITH SERVICES RENDERED BY THE DEPARTMENT (CONT) VALUE FOR MONEY 2009/102006/07 Officials rendered services efficiently82.9% The service is an example of value for money 78% Cost of service was reasonable74.5% At provincial level, all service users (100%) in the Eastern Cape, Gauteng were the most satisfied with value for money and 53% of the service users in KwaZulu-Natal were the least satisfied with this driver. 1414
Click to edit Master subtitle style FINDINGS cont… SERVICE USERS’ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION WITH SERVICES RENDERED BY THE DEPARTMENT (CONT) REDRESS 2009/102006/07 Never experiences problems57.1%-21% (78.1%) Seldom experienced problems23% Often experienced problems15.9% Experience problems very often4% Of the 42.9% service users that experienced problems, 12.5% did lodge complaints and those who did not lodge complaints gave the following reasons: Did not know where to lodge complaint (43.3%) Felt it was not worth while (30%) Nothing to complain about (28.3%) Afraid of staff, scared to get in trouble (1.7%) At provincial level, the prevalence of service users that experienced complaints was high (68.4%) in KwaZulu-Natal and lower 18.2% in Gauteng. 1515
Click to edit Master subtitle style FINDINGS cont… SERVICE USERS’ LEVEL OF SATISFACTION WITH SERVICES RENDERED BY THE DEPARTMENT (CONT) OUTCOME 2009/102006/07 In the end you got what you needed 81.4% The service experience met your expectations 78.3% At provincial level, all service users (100%) in Limpopo were the most satisfied with all aspects of obtaining outcome in service delivery and 56% of the service users in KwaZulu-Natal were the satisfied with this driver. 1616
Click to edit Master subtitle style FINDINGS cont… Summary of the service users’ overall level of satisfaction with services rendered by the Department of Home Affairs Fairness ad Equity90% Outcome83.5%Value for Money79.5%Knowledge and Competence of staff75.1%Courtesy72.3%Facilities62.4%Accessibility61.4%Information65.3%Timeliness51.5% 1717
RECOMMENDATIONS Accessibility The functioning and manning of call-centres should be investigated at service points, as these are the entry point for many service users for assistance and information gathering.Systems need to be upgraded to ensure that service users can be assisted telephonically within reasonable time. Service points need to be upgraded to ensure accessibility by the elderly and disabled. Timeliness Systems need to be implemented to track and monitor the time it takes before a service user is attended to. This includes monitoring of call centre response times. Processes need to be reviewed to ensure a timely delivery of service at the service points 1818
RECOMMENDATIONS cont… 1919 Information Information desks at service centres should at all times be manned with trained and informed officials. These desks are a focal point for assisting and directing service users.Officials need to be trained and informed in order to provide service users with the correct information. Redress: The Department should develop mechanisms to ensure that formal records of complaints are captured and attended to in an effective and efficient manner. Feedback on how complaints raised are handled and resolved should be communicated back to the service users.
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