What are the important causes of food- related ill health which need tackling? Is the burden of food-related ill health increasing or decreasing, and for whom? What are the major trends in eating habits that will effect our ability to reduce the burden of food-related ill health? Key questions
How are we going to reduce the burden of food-related ill health in Europe? Can we develop a more systematic, less confrontational approaches, to the development of policy measures which would help to reduce the burden of food- related ill health? What are the particular concerns of Central and Eastern European countries in relation to food and health policy?
What part could the WHO, both globally and regionally, play in promoting food-related health in Europe? What action should the European Commission take to reduce the burden of food-related ill health in Europe through both food safety and nutrition policy? What role should the European Food Safety Authority have in this? How can European Agriculture Policy take more account of food safety and nutrition? What role could the food industry play in promoting health in Europe?