SO MANY INSECTS 6,000,000 to 10,000,000 different k inds of insects in the world Insects outnumber all other k inds of animals put together! Found in almost every place on Earth
KINDS OF INSECTS TERRESTRIAL= live on land AQUATIC= live in water for part or all of their lives
Move by walking, flying or swimming Most bugs hatch from eggs and their bodies can change shape as they grow up
Let’s build an insect! First we need a frame to build on: EXOSKELETON EXO= outside SKELETON= supporting structure
INSECT= divided body, “cut into” SEGMENTED bodies
HEAD Encased in one piece of hard exoskeleton Contains SENSING parts: –Antennae –Eyes/light sensors Compound eyes Mouthparts
THORAX = middle section armor protecting CHEST and BACK LEGS: 3 pairs, 6 legs total WINGS
ABDOMEN= last section Has stomach inside Usually not as protected Sometimes it has special parts, depending on the type of insect –stingers
WHY ARE INSECTS IMPORTANT? Pollination: plants and insects help each other
WHY ARE INSECTS IMPORTANT? Honey, wax, sil k Scientific discovery Food and culture Medicine Ecosystems
Pests –Parasites –Eat crops Some insects eat other bad insects good for us! –ladybugs WHY ARE INSECTS IMPORTANT?
MEET SOME COOL INSECTS Wal k ingstic k s Fireflies Bombardier beetles This project was partially funded by NOAA Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Funds administered by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund.