What time does it eat The milkweed bug often eats in the afternoon
What does it eat Milkweed bugs often eat sunflower seeds, tissue and plain seeds.
Colors between life cycles First, milkweed bugs have an egg stage and are white, then when it is a nymph it is red and black, finally, when it is an adult it is orange and black.
Length The length of a milkweed bug is 3/8 to ½”
Proboscis Milkweed bugs have a proboscis and use it as a straw. It uses it’s proboscis to eat and gather nectar.(At least bees do that.)
Abdomen Their abdomen is where the milkweed bug’s heart is. It’s a lot different than a human’s heart. The abdomen is the third body part of a milkweed bug.
Thorax The thorax is the second body part of a milkweed bug.
Legs Milkweed bugs have six legs, just like other insects. They don’t have cars, they don’t have planes, they do have wings, but they usally walk.
How it looks They are usually black and orange. They don’t have the same color head as their body because their body is orange and black, but their head is red. For picture, go to title.