Saltwater VS Chlorine Paige Johnston Matthew Marven
Relates to Water The relation this has to water is that is that we can use different types of water to fill our pools to have a entertaining summer.
Why.. We chose this topic because we wanted to explain the differences of the two types of water even tho one might be better for your skin there is also other things to learn too before trying to change the water in your pool at home.
Salt Water Salt Water pools are less likely to dry the skin out, they don't require as much chemicals to the pool but they are harder to keep your chemicals up. If you leave for a vacation and your pool water in not tested for a week it could take up to 2 weeks before you could get the chemicals back.
Chlorine Water Although chlorine water will dry you skin out and a can cause redness to your eyes and make your hair feel rough. The chemicals are better at killing the bacteria in the pool, if your chemicals are easier to keep up with and when the get off it only take 24to 48 hour to correct. you also will not have to replace the water system for your pool in a few years.
What's better ? Money is alway a big deal, having a pool can cost a lot. Deciding to have a saltwater or chlorine pool can be a hard decision too. A salt water can cost you more than just a chlorine pool, in a few years with a salt water pool you will have to replace the pumping system because of corrosion form the salt water pool, with a chlorine pool that would not have to happen. With chlorine you are likely to just have to buy chemicals for your pool and then maybe 15 to 20 years later you would have to change the pumping system VS the 5 to 10 years for saltwater. Also, with salt it could cause damage to your pool lining or the pool that you had built in would just be rusted out. Therefore, even tho chlorine can cause your hair to be rough and your skin to be dry and your eyes to get red, money wise chlorine pools are better and easier to keep up.
Questions 1) True or false…. is saltwater better for your skin? True 2) How long will it before you would have to change the pumping system for a Chlorine pool? A: 5 to 10 B:10 to 15 C: 15 to 20 D: 30 years 3) What are 3 things that most people don't like about CHLORINE pools 1)the rough feeling to the hair 2) Red eyes 3)Dry skin