Spectrometer Solenoids MICO 194 Steve Virostek LBNL July 25, 2012
Current Status Last week, the magnet warming was completed, and the access port to the HTS leads was opened and the MLI separated Initially, due to a shield piece that was in the way, the leads were not fully accessible, but it was confirmed using a mirror that lead ‘E’ failed Earlier this week, the shield piece was moved away, and the failed lead was removed; all other HTS leads appeared to be undamaged These 7 remaining leads (5 500 A, A) all successfully carried 40 amps during our tests prior to warming up Test data from the HTS lead manufacturer is currently being pursued for all installed and spare leads A new lead has been installed in place of lead ‘E’, and the system will likely be fully reassembled by Friday Analyses had showed that failed lead had exhibited resistive behavior during all training runs, but too low a level to trip quench system
Accessing Leads Access hatch open with copper shield plates in front of HTS leads
Lead Joints Top end joint for two of the HTS leads with voltage taps
HTS Leads Top: recently failed lead; middle: previously failed lead; bottom: new lead
Upcoming Plans Likely to start pumpdown of insulating vacuum by Friday Depending on recovery time of vacuum, cool down could start by August 6 th Still have 2750 liters of LHe on hand to be used for cooldown (some unknown amount of this has likely boiled off) Plan to use a third Xantrex power supply to be sent back from RAL for the training Power supplies will be used in manual mode for all testing at Wang