Models of Differentiation Model 1Model 2Model 3Model 4 Text SameVary partsVary setsVary texts Groups Two key groups Matched to parts Matched to sets Individualized Support Direct vs Indirect Vary for groups Vary for individuals
Models of Differentiation Model One: Grouping without Tracking Model Two: Jigsawing Model Three: Connected Literature Circles Model Four: Focused Reading Workshop
Model Two: Jigsawing Different parts of the same text for different learners Match parts to groups Vary levels of teacher support Do-able Differentiation, pp. 51—68, 137
FRONTLOADING All students involved in a variety of activities in large group, mixed small groups, pairs and individually READING THE TEXT Divide students into homogeneous small groups. Strategically assign specific parts of texts to small groups. Provide support to groups who need it to read and respond Let other groups operate more independently SUPPORT GROUP Teacher works with homogeneous small group in need of support What Do I Do with the Rest of the Kids? Students are engaged in reading and responding to different parts of the text in teams. FOLLOW UP Bring all students together so teams can report out to one another in the large group or as individuals in remixed small groups Option Two Same Text for All Students Different Parts for Different Students Jigsawing Do-able Differentiation p. 51
Whales and Dolphins What is a Whale?
Whales and Dolphins What is a Whale? Is a Whale a Fish?
Whales and Dolphins What is a Whale? Is a Whale a Fish? Whales on Land
Whales and Dolphins What is a Whale? Is a Whale a Fish? Whales on Land Return to the Water
Whales and Dolphins What is a Whale? Is a Whale a Fish? Whales on Land Return to the Water Breathing in Water
Whales and Dolphins What is a Whale? Is a Whale a Fish? Whales on Land Return to the Water Breathing in Water How Whales Got So Big?
Gradual Release Step One Teacher Reads Aloud, Thinks Aloud, Writes Aloud Explain, Demonstrate and Mode Step Two Teacher and Students Read, Think and Write Together Guided Practice with Teacher Leading Step Three Students Read, Think and Write Together Guiding Practice in Small Groups with Teacher Monitoring
Information Organizer Important Idea #1Important Idea #2 Interesting Detail #1Interesting Detail #2
Chapter Two What is a Whale? Introduction (First Paragraph) Teacher Reads Aloud, Thinks Aloud, Writes Aloud Explain, Demonstrate and Modeled Scientist call whales cetaceans (see-TAY- shuns). However, there are actually two groups of whales—those with teeth and those without teeth. Teeth make a difference in the way a whale catches its food.
Information Organizer Important Idea #1 Two types – teeth or no teeth Important Idea #2 Interesting Detail #1 Scientific name cetaceans (sea, oCEANS) Interesting Detail #2
Chapter Two What is a Whale? Introduction (Second Paragraph) Teacher and Students Read Together, Think Together, Write Together Guided Practice with Teacher Leading Toothed whales are called Odontoceti (o-DON-tuh-see-tee). Odonto means “tooth” and ceti means “whales.” The other group of whales has baleen instead of teeth. Baleen is another word for “whalebone”, which people used before plastic was invented. Baleen whales are called Mysticeti (MISS-tuh-see-tee). Mysti means “mustaches.” Whales with baleen look as if they have mustaches. Later in this book you’ll discover how baleen and teeth help a whale catch its food. But first you’ll find out exactly what a whale is.
Information Organizer Important Idea #1 Two types – teeth or no teeth Important Idea #2 No teeth have whalebone (baleen) impacts how food is caught Interesting Detail #1 Scientific name cetaceans (sea, oCEANS) Interesting Detail #2 Whalebone must be like plastic since it was used before plastic was invented
FRONTLOADING All students involved in a variety of activities in large group, mixed small groups, pairs and individually READING THE TEXT Divide students into homogeneous small groups. Strategically assign specific parts of texts to small groups. Provide support to groups who need it to read and respond Let other groups operate more independently SUPPORT GROUP Teacher works with homogeneous small group in need of support What Do I Do with the Rest of the Kids? Students are engaged in reading and responding to different parts of the text in teams. FOLLOW UP Bring all students together so teams can report out to one another in the large group or as individuals in remixed small groups Option Two Same Text for All Students Different Parts for Different Students Jigsawing
Jigsaw PlanTitle: Team One Section of Text Team Two Section of Text Team Three Section of Text Team Four Section of Text Team Five Section of Text Team Six Section of Text
Jigsaw Assignments Team One Is a whale a fish? (7-9) Team Two Whales on Land (9-10) Team Three Return to the Water (10-12) Team Four Breathing in the Water (12-13) Team Five How whales got so big (13-14)
Group Task Read your section Everyone read silently Read with partners Take turns listening as others read Record important ideas Record interesting details Prepare for sharing. Remember that others have not read your section. Scan the rest of the article. Study other resources.
Maximum Direct Support Review any frontloading activities Address additional needs Support the reading of the text Summarize Read Aloud Chorally Read Readers Theater Partner Reading At least some Independent Reading Support response to the text Build confidence, competence and comfort to contribute to large group Do-able Differentiation p. 56
FRONTLOADING All students involved in a variety of activities in large group, mixed small groups, pairs and individually READING THE TEXT Divide students into homogeneous small groups. Strategically assign specific parts of texts to small groups. Provide support to groups who need it to read and respond Let other groups operate more independently SUPPORT GROUP Teacher works with homogeneous small group in need of support What Do I Do with the Rest of the Kids? Students are engaged in reading and responding to different parts of the text in teams. FOLLOW UP Bring all students together so teams can report out to one another in the large group or as individuals in remixed small groups Option Two Same Text for All Students Different Parts for Different Students Jigsawing
Reaching Closure Alternative #1 In Large Group, each small group reports out while others add to individual webs Alternative #2 Reform small groups so that one member from each of the groups is represented and individuals report out in small groups while adding to individual webs
Whales and Dolphins What is a Whale? Is a Whale a Fish? Whales on Land Return to the Water Breathing in Water How Whales Got So Big? Two types (teeth/no teeth) Whalebone = baleen (impacts how food is caught)
Applications to your text… Can you apply any of these insights and ideas to a text you use? Do you use a text suitable for jigawing? How would you frontload the text to build a firm foundation to guarantee success for as many readers as possible? How would you structure instruction to gradually release the text to your groups? How would you divide your class into groups and which parts of the text would you assign to which groups? How would you indirectly guide groups to work away from you? How would you guide groups working directly with you? How would you rebuild your classroom community to response to and extend the text?