“How to use the ball in play ahd sport”
Ball games are very important for physical development and strengthening of children. In this respect, the most important are mobile games, especially when they are out in the open and in the sun. But all the ball games are invigorating effect on the child. This is achieved both through numerous movements and through increased emotional state, which they accompany.
Game: "Tell me your name" Children are seated in a circle. Passing the ball to the child sitting next to him and says, "Tell me your name." Objectives: 1. To discover similarities and differences between their peers. 2. Understand that everyone is different and it is unique. 3. To embrace diversity and understand that differences do not divide people, and connect them together because they complement each other.
Game: "Penguin" 1. The game involved two teams (divide the children into two teams and have prepared a preliminary cards with numbers 1 and 2. Each child will draw one card and then will be distributed). 2. Each team has one ball. (Prior to the starting position of each team, place cones around which children will travel) 3. Participants from each team must carry the ball, squeezing it between the legs from the start, bypassing cone and went back to his team to pass the ball to the next saotbarnik. 4. You should aim not to miss the ball from his feet. 5. Each participant has to go, like the penguin walk without losing the ball. 6. It is forbidden to running or jumping to a quick transfer of ball. 7. Any child who violates a rule is out.
Dodgeball Children are divided into two teams advance loans otbora.Vseki Refine your playing field. Appoint one captain of both teams stand behind the end line of the opposing team. The right to a ball game is determined by lot. The goal of each team is by filing or tossing with his captain to hit out of the game and the opposing players. Hit, but failed to catch the ball goes behind the end line of his captain. If the ball remains in the field of play accents, the right to continue his team a game. Upon leaving the ball outside the boundaries of the court, the right to play with it a team, whose country is gone. A player leaves the game if I got him a ball before it bounces off the ground or is caught in the air by his teammate. The captain comes into the playing field when it left fewer players. The winner is the team that is out of the game more or all players protinikovi
"Catch - not catching" The rules of this game are similar to all known methods of playing "Can - can not." Just change the conditions under which the child can catch the ball and that - no. For example, in this game are contracting with the child if his throwing ball pronounce the word, referring to plants, it can catch it. If the word is not a plant, the child pulls the ball. For example, a condition can be labeled "furniture - no furniture." Similar options are "fish - no fish", "Transportation - no transport," "airports - do not fly" and many others. The amount of optional rules of the game depends only on your imagination. If she suddenly stopped, suggest a child to choose a condition, that category of words where it will not catch. Children sometimes give a completely fresh and creative ideas!
Ball over head The players divided into two teams, one is built into columns parallel to each other. The distance between the players in the columns is determined by the outstretched arms forward and between columns - steps.Front 2-3 players in each column have in your hands ball. when the signal head, the players communicate ball behind their heads behind them player in the same way they transmit it to the next etc. When the last column player receives the ball, he runs to the right side of his column, stood first and passed the ball over his head and the next player continues until all players expire ball