L INKS TO C URRICULUM Design Folio CAG Poster Display Item Modelling Graphs & Charts Colour Justification Exam Knowledge and Understanding
C OLOUR C ONNOTATIONS Colours invoke feelings and meanings. People have a favourite colour; decorate rooms to create a mood; choose the colour of clothes depending on occasion, season or what suits them.
T HE P RIMARY C OLOURS Red Connotations
T HE P RIMARY C OLOURS Red Connotations Love Hot Ruby Danger Strong Red is an intense colour.
T HE P RIMARY C OLOURS Yellow Connotations
T HE P RIMARY C OLOURS Yellow Connotations Joy Happiness Sun Cowardly Childish Yellow is very effective for attracting attention.
T HE P RIMARY C OLOURS Blue Connotations
T HE P RIMARY C OLOURS Blue Connotations Calmness Tranquillity Strong Water Cleanliness Avoid using blue when promoting food and cooking, because blue suppresses appetite.
S ECONDARY C OLOURS Connotations Royalty Luxury Mystery Magic Connotations Joy Sunshine Healthiness Autumn Connotations Nature Health Freshness Money
H ARMONY AND C ONTRAST Harmony is created when colours close to each other on the outside of the colour wheel are used together. Contrast occurs when colours far apart on the colour scheme are used together.
W ARM & C OOL C OLOURS Yellows, oranges and Reds are warm colours as they give the feeling of warmth. They are also known as advancing. Greens, Blues and Purples colours give off cold feelings. They are known as being receding.
EXAMPLE ADVERT What colour scheme is used in it? Why are these colours being used? Think of a suitable alternative and explain the difference in the connotations.