Net profit increased compared by 47% to Q3 2007/2008. up to PLN M Operating costs reduced by increasing external sources of funding and streamlining employment structure Completed talks with Vobis – closer co-operation instead of acquisition Completed another stage of expansion of the logistics centre Launched the Investment in Human Capital Scheme – series of training courses funded by the European Social Fund as part of the "New Quality of ACTION S.A. Staff” project Preparations to acquisition of shares in the portal (contract signed on 28 May 2009) GROUP IN QUARTER 3 OF 2008/ February 2009 to 30 April
3 PRIZES AND AWARDS Three top ranks for ACTINA Sierra PC models in SYSmark® 2007 Preview performance ranking list Novell's "YES Certified Suse Linux” certificate awarded to ACTINA Sierra computers ActiveJet recognised as Lider Marki - Srebrna Odznaka Jakości (Brand Leader - Silver Quality Mark) GROUP IN QUARTER 3 OF 2008/ February 2009 to 30 April 2009
4 SHARE PRICE IN QUARTER GROUP IN QUARTER 3 OF 2008/ February 2009 to 30 April 2009
5 FINANCIAL RESULTS IN QUARTER 3 1 February 2009 to 30 April 2009 Sales revenue (PLN M) Sales revenue decreased compared to Q3 2007/2008 by 16.0%. distribution sales decreased by 9.1% (excl. tenders) Gross margin increased compared to Q3 2007/2008 by 1.6 pp Gross margin (%)
6 FINANCIAL RESULTS IN QUARTER 3 1 February 2009 to 30 April 2009 Net profit (PLN M) Operating Profit (PLN M) Operating profit increased by 22.7%compared to Q3 2007/2008 Net profit increased by 47.0% compared to the respective period of previous year
7 DETAILED FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1 February 2009 to 30 April 2009 [PLN M] Quarter /2008 Quarter /2009Change Quarters /2008 Quarters /2009Change Sales revenue 554,863466, %1,761,3211,731, % Gross sales profit 44,56844,6090.1%138,259188, % Gross sales margin 8.0%9.6%1.6 PP7.8%10.9%3.1 PP Cost of sales and marketing 29,61227, %81,22190, % Related to revenue 5.3%6.0%0.7 PP4.6%5.2%0.6 PP General administrative costs 7,9855, %28,06419, % Related to revenue 1.4%1.3%-0.1 PP1.6%1.1%- 0.5 PP Other revenue and benefits 4,4732, %21,4138, % Other costs and losses %6,88265, % Operating result 10,47412, %43,50521, % Net financial costs 1, %3,7063, % Net result 6,5179, %25,31112, % Net profit margin 1.2%2.1%0.9 PP1.4%0.7%-0.7 PP
DYNAMICS OF DISTRIBUTION Compared to Q3 2007/2008. the number of customers served decreased by 10% (averaging to per month) The number of products offered by ACTION almost reached The average invoice value exceeded PLN which means an increase by 22.5% (higher prices resulting from depreciation of zloty) An average of invoices were issued per month The number of export customers rose by 75% year-on-year 8 DETAILED FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1 February 2009 to 30 April 2009
ACTION UKRAINA Work progresses on a new sales channel to be opened: Distribution of IT products: supply for the Ukrainian market directly from the logistics centre at Zamienie via sales offices in Kiyev and Lvov Special version of the electronic sales platform is being prepared for the Ukrainian market Sales agency for ActiveJet products is planned to be opened. 9 DETAILED FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1 February 2009 to 30 April 2009
SFERIS Two new shops opened in Kielce and Opole 30 "Enteria island" stallsopened nationwide More "Enteria island" stalls to be opened in 2009 Optimising operating costs 10 DETAILED FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1 February 2009 to 30 April 2009
A.PL WEB SITE Over 46% increase in number of orders compared to Quarter /2009 Over 200% increase in number of customers compared to a comparable period of the previous year Number of products available increased to approx Online food collection campaign executed jointly with Bank Żywności SOS – "Exchange a toy for food” 11 DETAILED FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1 February 2009 to 30 April 2009
12 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Contacts for the press and representatives of the capital market Ms Anna Bielińska – Corporate Communication Director Telephone: Ms Dominika Lenkowska – Martis Consulting Telephone: