The Magi referred to in the title of this story are the three “wise men” who, according to the Bible (Matthew 2:1–13), brought gifts of frankincense and myrrh (substances prized for their fragrance) as well as gold to the infant Jesus. Traditionally the Magi’s gifts are regarded as the first Christmas presents. The Gift of the Magi Background [End of Section]
The Gift of the Magi Quickwrite Make the Connection If you could save just one item from a disaster—a fire, a flood, an earthquake—what would it be? In a few sentences, describe your most cherished possession, and explain why you treasure it. Was it a gift? If so, how does that make it especially important to you? [End of Section]
Previewing the Vocabulary instigates v.: urges on to some action, usually negative, or sets something in motion; here, gives rise to. agile adj.: moving with ease. depreciate v.: make something seem less important; lower the value of. cascade n.: waterfall. ransacking v.: searching thoroughly. The Gift of the Magi Vocabulary
Previewing the Vocabulary discreet adj.: showing good judgment in what one says or does; especially being silent or careful. scrutiny n.: close inspection. nimble adj.: quickly moving. coveted v. used as adj.: longed-for. singed v. used as adj.: slightly burned. The Gift of the Magi Vocabulary
1.The thieves left after ___________ the jewelry display. 2.The shoplifter tried to be ___________ but did not escape the ___________ of the security guards. 3.Will a ___________ frame ___________ the value of a painting? Vocabulary Activity Fill in the blanks with the correct Word Bank words. discreet depreciateransackingsinged scrutiny ransacking discreet scrutiny singeddepreciate The Gift of the Magi Vocabulary [End of Section]
Meet the Writer
O. Henry (1862–1910), whose real name was William Sydney Porter, was born in Greensboro, North Carolina. His mother died when he was three, and his grandmother and an aunt took him in. In 1882, Porter moved to a ranch in Denison, Texas, for health reasons. He spent his free time reading, listening to tales of the West, and studying French, German, and Spanish. More About the Writer The Gift of the Magi Meet the Writer [End of Section]