Jeopardy Vocab Marine Zones Threats Marine Org. Misc Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Vocab An organism that co-exists With zooanthalee?
$100 Answer from Vocab Polyp
$200 Question from Vocab What is dead matter that Drifts to the bottom of the Ocean called?
$200 Answer from Vocab Detritus
$300 Question from vocab What is at the bottom Of the food chain in the Marine biome?
$300 Answer from Vocab Phytoplankton
$400 Question from Vocab When marine organisms Glow in the dark they are Said to contain….
$400 Answer from vocab bioluminescence
$500 Question from vocab Water that is more saline Than freshwaer but less saline Than ocean water—usually Occurs in tidal rivers?
$500 Answer from vocab Brackish
$100 Question from Marine Zones What is the top vertical Layer (contains sunlight) of a marine biome called?
$100 Answer from Marine Zones Photic Zone
$200 Question from Marine Zones What is the marine zone called that is between the sunlit zone and the darkness zone?
$200 Answer from Marine Zones Twilight Zone
$300 Question from Marine Zones What is the marine vertical zone Called that is at the bottom?
$300 Answer from Marine Zone Benthic Zone
$400 Question from Marine Zones What is the horizontal zone called That is nearest to the shore?
$400 Answer from marine zones Nertic Zone
$500 Question from Marine Zones What is the zone called that is impacted With tidal water?
$500 Answer from Marine Zones Intertidal Zone
$100 Question from Threats Name two threats to coral reefs?
$100 Answer from Marine Zones Sedimentation –adds turbity so Sunlight can’t get through Or Warming/cooling of ocean water—if too hot or too cold the coral won’t Grow Or Blasting, harvesting coral by humans
$200 Question from Threats Name one threat to the Nertic Zone Of Marine biomes.
$200 Answer from Marine Zones Overfishing Pollution Sedimentation from erosion Warming/cooling of ocean water
$300 Question from Threats What is the Pacific Gyre?
$300 Answer from Threats It is a convergence of ocean Currents that swirl together Creating an “island” of plastic Twice the size of Texas
$400 Question from Threats In Happy Feet, what was Mumbles Trying to communicate to the humans?
$400 Answer from Threats That overfishing is bad—taking All the fish away
$500 Question from Threats What is the term To describe dead coral
$500 Answer from Threats Bleached
$100 Question from Marine Organisms Why are estuaries (coastal regions) Productive ecosystem?
$100 Answer from Marine Organisms Since Estuaries are both freshwater And saltwater due to tides going in and out There is a large variety of organisms creating A dense biodiversity
$200 Question from Marine Organisms What is the zone of Water called that receives no sunlight?
$200 Answer from Marine Organism Aphotic Zone
$300 Question from Marine Organism List the three (3) factors that Determine where marine Organisms live in the ocean
$300 Answer from Marine Organisms Temperature Depth (atmospheric pressure) Salinity (amount of salt in water)
$400 Question from Marine Organisms What is the primary Producer in the ocean?
$400 Answer from Marine Organism Phytoplankton (plants that develop From nutrients welled Up by cold water currents Reacting to sunlight)
$500 Question from Marine Organisms What would happen to Most of the coral on the planet If sea levels rose by 100 m (300 ft)?
$500 Answer from Marine Organisms The coral would die as The zooanthalee algae that Provides food to the polyp in the Coral needs sunlight to create Food from photosynthesis and Sunlight can not penetrate the Water at that depth..
$100 Question from Misc Name the five oceans
$100 Answer from Misc The five oceans are the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean Southern Ocean
$200 Question from Misc Where do Mangrove trees grow?
$200 Answer from Misc In tropical areas and in sub-tropical areas
$300 Question from Misc Arctic ecosystems are considered Marine ecosystems because…
$300 Answer from Misc Phytoplankton form The basis of the Arctic Food webs
$400 Question from Misc Organisms living in Coastal areas must adapt to What two changes?
$400 Answer from Misc Water level and Degree of salinity
$500 Question from Misc Waves are caused by…(list Two reasons).
$500 Answer from Misc Wind and earthquakes Tides (gravitational force of moon) move the mass of water but do not create waves
Final Jeopardy What is the process called that makes food from the “smokers” thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean?
Final Jeopardy Answer Chemosynthesis Since the sun can not reach the bottom of the ocean, organisms adapted to use chemical reactions of the sulfur, sea water and heat to create sugars (food) for the organisms.