1.Era: a large division on time 2.Archeology: it is the study of the past by looking at what people left behind (artifacts). 3.Artifact: object made by people 4.Paleontology: also looks at prehistoric times. They study fossils to learn how the world was like long ago. 5.Fossil: it is the remain of plants and animal life that have been preserved from an early time. 6.Anthropology: is the study of human culture and how it develops over time. They also study fossils and artifacts 7.Evidence: something that shows proof or an indication that something is true 8.Primary Source: first hand evidence of an event in history 9.Secondary source: a document or written work created after an event 10.Point of view: a general attitude about people or life 11.Bias: an unreasonable, emotional judgment about people and events. 12.Conclusion: a final decision reached by reasoning 13.Decade ten years 14.Millennium 1000 years 15.Century 100 years 16.The four periods of history: prehistory, ancient history, middle ages and modern history VOCABULARY KEY TERMS
South America North America AsiaEurope Africa Antarctic Australia Indian Ocean Artic Ocean Atlantic ocean Pacific ocean KNOW HOW TO LOCATE CONTINTENTS AND MAIN 4 OCEANS
Locate the years in the correct order B.C 2.A.D B.C 4.A.D 400 ANSWER 0 BC AD