1. Is your self-esteem based on what others think of you? 2. Do you do things to make other people happy, even if it makes you feel bad? 3. Do you have a hard time being happy for others when they succeed? Self Esteem Quiz
4. Do you call yourself names like "stupid" or "dummy" when you make mistakes — or sometimes even when you don't? 5. Do you have a hard time taking risks? Self Esteem Quiz
Scoring: If you answered yes to any of these questions, your self- concept or self-esteem may be distorted. If you answered yes to three or more, then you are not living authentically. Self Esteem Quiz
What is self-esteem? Our self-worth. Comes from all of the thoughts, feelings, sensations, and experiences we have collected about ourselves through life. Add them up good feeling or feeling inadequate
SELF-ESTEEM We are not able to fully reach our potential until we feel good about ourselves. (creativity, achievement…) People who feel good about themselves usually feel good about life, they are able to meet challenges with confidence.
SELF-ESTEEM - High Act independently. Assume responsibility. Be proud of accomplishments. Approach new challenges with enthusiasm. Display a broad range of emotions. Tolerate frustration well. Having High Self Esteem does NOT mean that you are cocky, arrogant, etc
High Self Esteem Believes in own abilities Acts independently Proud of accomplish- ments Is genuine Conceited/ Cocky Believes abilities are better than others Forces/ Causes others to follow their thoughts/ beliefs Brags about accomplishments and desires recognition Often just a show to cover up a low self esteem
SELF-ESTEEM - Low Put down his own talents. Feel that others don’t value them. Feel powerless. Be easily influenced by others. Express a narrow range of emotions and feelings. Avoid situations that provoke anxiety. Become defensive and easily frustrated. Blame others for his own weakness. Being quiet/ introverted does NOT mean that they have low self-esteem
Low Self Esteem Does not speak out because he/she does not feel valued or that what he/ she has to say has value Introverted/ Quiet Does not speak out because he/she does not feel the need to comment He/ she would rather speak out in private with 1 or 2 people He/she would rather speak after taking time to think about what needs to be said
SELF-ESTEEM Make a list of all the things you like about yourself. Make a list of all the things you don’t like about yourself. What things can you change – circle them What things do you need to learn to accept?
STEREOTYPES To judge, label and make generalizations about people based on how they look or hearsay. They instill fear and hatred. Perpetuate violence and unfair treatment.
SELF-FULFILLNG PROPHECY “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are usually right” Becoming what others expect by believing their judgments. People can become victims of their own stereotyping.