1 Key CIM Classes and Message Types Used in the Asset Life Cycle Greg Robinson
TypeAssetAssetModelAsset PowerSystemResource Key Classes Used in the Asset Life Cycle Design Construct Maintain Operate
TypeAssetAssetModelAsset PowerSystemResource Classes in Asset Life Cycle: Type Asset Type Asset: A generic asset used for planning and design purposes. For example a 50KVA Pole Top Transformer, a Class 2 Pole It is the basis for Compatible Units used for Design Whereas an AssetModel is a particular model and version of a vendor‘s product, a TypeAsset is documentation for a generic asset or material item. Any number of AssetModels may be used to perform this generic function. The primary role of the TypeAsset is typically defined by the PowereSystemResource it is associated with.
TypeAssetAssetModelAsset PowerSystemResource Classes in Asset Life Cycle: AssetModel Asset Model: A specific model and version made by a manufacturer (a type of Organisation): For example a 50KVA Pole Top Transformer made by GE is a separate AssetModel than 50KVA Pole Top Transformer made by ABB Multiple AssetModels may be used to satisfy the procurement requirements for a given TypeAsset. A single AssetModel may be procured from multiple Suppliers (a type of Organisation) As construction or maintenance (replacement of a failed asset) is scheduled for a given situation, price and availability primarily dictate which AssetModel will be used. The primary role of the AssetModel is defined byTypeAsset, which is typically defined by the PowereSystemResource it is associated with.
TypeAssetAssetModelAsset PowerSystemResource Classes in Asset Life Cycle: Asset Asset: A tangible resource of the utility, including power system equipment, cabinets, buildings, etc. The primary role of the Asset is typically defined by the PowereSystemResource it is associated with. When inventory becomes to low for a given TypeAsset, a procurement is made for a multiple assets for one AssetModel. One instance of Asset will exists for every single physical asset procured: For example, 100 ABB 50KVA Pole Top Transformers are purchased in one lot, each transformer with a unique serial number, location, etc. Construction and maintenance activities are performed against Assets, not AssetModels or PowerSystemResources.
TypeAssetAssetModelAsset PowerSystemResource Classes in Asset Life Cycle: PowerSystemResource PowerSystemResource: The role an asset plays in the operations. Operators operate PowerSystemResources, such as opening a switch, without being directly concerned with the manufacturer of the switch, or when it was installed. An asset such as a Switch can be replaced by another asset of the same AssetType and it will not impact operations of the network (other than while the switch is actually being changed).
TypeAssetAssetModelAsset PowerSystemResource Message Types for Key Classes in the Asset Life Cycle Type Asset Catalogue Asset Catalogue Asset List Network Data Set
TypeAsset AssetModelAsset PowerSystemResource Key Message Types in the Asset Life Cycle: TypeAssetCatalogue TypeAssetCatalogue: Contain data for a set of utility asset types. It is a collection of information regarding generic types of assets that may be used for design purposes, analysis, and so on. A TypeAsset is not associated with a particular manufacturer.. TypeAssetCatalogue References: Only the identifier for the referenced data is to be included. The actual data for referenced elements are provided through other types of messages (e.g., AssetCatalogue): Can contain references to static reference data such as elements of a AssetCatalogue. Leaf node elements such as Organisations. Type Asset Catelogue
TypeAsset AssetModel Asset PowerSystemResource Key Message Types in the Asset Life Cycle: AssetCatalogue AssetCatalogue: A collection of information regarding available types of products and materials that are used to build or install an Asset(s), to maintain an Asset(s) or to operate an Asset(s). Each catalogue item is for a specific product available from a specific supplier. AssetCatalogue References: Only the identifier for the referenced data is to be included. The actual data for referenced elements are provided through other types of messages (e.g.,TypeAssetCatalogue): Can contain references to TypeAssetCatalogue elements or Specifications. Leaf node elements such as Organisations. Asset Catalogue
TypeAssetAssetModel AssetPowerSystemResource Key Message Types in the Asset Life Cycle: AssetList AssetList Can contain various amounts of data for any set of utility assets. AssetList References: Only the identifier for the referenced data is to be included. The actual data for referenced elements are provided through other types of messages (e.g.,TypeAssetCatalogue, AssetCatalogue, NetworkDataSet, Measurements): Can contain references to static reference data such as elements of a AssetCatalogue or TypeAssetCatlogue. Can contain references to the types of PowerSystemResources that specify the role in which the Asset is being used (i.e., if it has been installed rather than sitting in inventory). Leaf node elements such as Organisations, Locations, and Measurements. Asset List
TypeAssetAssetModelAsset PowerSystemResource Key Message Types in the Asset Life Cycle: Network Data Set NetworkDataSet: Can contain data for any part of a distribution network typically selected for operational or extension planning studies. The message contents could be part of a feeder, a single feeder or more than one feeder. The data could be either the ‘As built’ network or a proposed network selected for analysis. NetworkDataSet References: Only the identifier for the referenced data is to be included. The actual data for referenced elements are provided through other types of messages (e.g.,TypeAssetCatalogue, AssetCatalogue, AssetList, Measurements). To other Documents containing static reference data such as TypeAssetCatalogue or AssetCatalogue. To Assets performing the roles of the associated types of PowerSystemResources. For other “leaf node” elements such as Organisations, Locations, and Measurements. Network Data Set