Les verbes comme partir, sortir et dormir Un groupe de verbes
partir, sortir et dormir What do these verbs mean in English? What do these verbs mean in English? Partir : Partir : Sortir : Sortir : Dormir : Dormir : to leave to go out / take out to sleep
Les verbes en - IR Révisons-nous les verbes réguliers en –IR! Révisons-nous les verbes réguliers en –IR! jenous tuvous il / elle ils / elles finis finit finissons finissez finissent
partir, sortir et dormir These three verbs are –IR verbs. These three verbs are –IR verbs. However, they are part of a group of IR verbs that are slightly different than the regular IR verbs we’ve learned so far. However, they are part of a group of IR verbs that are slightly different than the regular IR verbs we’ve learned so far. They have the same endings EXCEPT… They have the same endings EXCEPT… there is no –iss in the pluralthere is no –iss in the plural the stem is slightly different in the singular.the stem is slightly different in the singular.
partir (to leave) jenous tuvous il / elle ils / elles pars part partons partez partent
sortir (to go out / take out) jenous tuvous il / elle ils / elles sors sort sortons sortez sortent
dormir (to sleep) jenous tuvous il / elle ils / elles dors dort dormons dormez dorment
Les autres verbes There are some other IR verbs that follow this pattern. There are some other IR verbs that follow this pattern. mentir mentir sentir sentir servir servir to lie to feel; to smell to serve
Many Many Silly Silly Spiders Spiders Play Play Scrabble Scrabble Downstairs! Downstairs! Mentir Mentir Sortir Sortir Servir Servir Partir Partir Sentir Sentir Dormir Dormir Les verbes comme partir How am I supposed to remember which IR verbs are conjugated like this!? How am I supposed to remember which IR verbs are conjugated like this!?
Exercice Traduisez en français! Traduisez en français! I’m leaving tomorrow. I’m leaving tomorrow. They don’t lie, I promise! They don’t lie, I promise! Je parts demain. Ils ne mentent pas, je promets!
Exercice Take out a piece of paper, Mark and Jacques! Take out a piece of paper, Mark and Jacques! She’s sleeping at midnight. She’s sleeping at midnight. We don’t smell the coffee. We don’t smell the coffee. Sortez une feuille de papier, Mark et Jacques! Elle dort à minuit. Nous ne sentons pas le café.
Exercice Are y’all going out with friends tonight? Are y’all going out with friends tonight? Does he go out with Denise? Is he lying? Does he go out with Denise? Is he lying? They are serving sandwiches. They are serving sandwiches. Sortez-vous ce soir avec des amis? Sort-il avec Denise? Ment-il? Ils servent des sandwichs.