eSENS WP3: Task 3.1 Preparation phase: M1-M6 EE(2) +DE(1), GR(1), IT(2), LU(4), NL(2), TR(2), OpenPEPOL(1) Task leader: Jaak Tepandi; T3.1.1 Documentation of format and defining criteria T3.1.2 Research update and input for the analysis D3.1 Guidelines to the assessment the sustainability and maturity of building blocks
eSENS WP3: Task 3.1 Defining criteria in line with the EIA and EIF in ccoperation with WP6 and WP5 Based on CAMSS methodology Input: –D5.1 requirements framework –D6.1 baseline architecture –Library: and former LSP material Output: Guidelines to the assessment the sustainability and maturity of building blocks
Task 3.1: First Steps Identifying stakeholders for cooperation / consulting Establishing connections, esp with WP6 and WP5 Developing / agreeing assessment principles First draft of the guidelines for discussions Thank you!