USGS Tropical Cyclone-Related Hydrometeorological Products and Services Harry F. Lins U.S. Geological Survey OFCM Mini-Workshop on Hydrometeorological Products, Services and Supporting Research 17 September 2008
Storm-Surge Sensors
USGS Storm-Surge Program Small self-contained water-level sensors with data logging capability Deploy hours before landfall Network clusters of units located opportunistically on bridges, piers, power-poles Record data every 2-30 seconds for 3-6 days Retrieve after storm and “level-in” to datum Some real-time reporting
Storm Surge Sensor (SSS) Deployment and Recovery
N SSS Deployment for Hurricane Rita, September 2005
Storm Surge Data for Hurricane Rita from site La9b
Hurricane Ike Storm Surge Sensor Deployments 33 in FL 9 in LA 55 in TX
Hardened Tidal Gages
36-in steel pipe ft penetration 30 ft above high tide Suite of parameters 10 tidal gages In cooperation with the New Orleans USACE Hardened Tidal Gages
36-in steel pipe ft penetration 30 ft above high tide Suite of parameters 10 tidal gages In cooperation with the New Orleans USACE Hardened Tidal Gages
Hardened Tidal Gages (Super Gages) Operational Under construction
WaterWatch -- Hurricane Gustav Storm Surge Sensor Map
Gage height, feet Wind speed, mph Atmospheric pressure, millibarsWind direction, degrees from North