Time Series for Dago Hole of the Chandeleur Islands Aerial Video Survey Program Pontchartrain Institute of Environmental Sciences University of New Orleans Karen A Westphal
The Aerial Video Survey Program has been acquiring photography and video of the northern Gulf of Mexico shoreline since Oblique aerial photography does not produce exact matches due to variations in altitude, camera angle and distance from the shore (and different photographers). Photos that matched well were scaled and aligned to illustrate the landscape changes that have taken place between time periods. Occasionally a pointer or symbol was added to assist with the visual comparison. The Aerial Video Survey Program has been acquiring photography and video of the northern Gulf of Mexico shoreline since Oblique aerial photography does not produce exact matches due to variations in altitude, camera angle and distance from the shore (and different photographers). Photos that matched well were scaled and aligned to illustrate the landscape changes that have taken place between time periods. Occasionally a pointer or symbol was added to assist with the visual comparison.
Dago Hole is to the south end of Chandeleur Island, and is in BICM region “Chandeleur Islands” and BICM segment 59 “Chandeleur Islands”
1985 29º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west July 10, 1985
1985 post-Hurricane Juan 29º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west November, 1985
1989 29º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west July 19, 1989
1991 29º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west July 18, 1991
1992 pre-Hurricane Andrew 29º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west July 9, 1992
1993 post-Hurricane Andrew (1992) 29º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west June 16, 1993
1994 29º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west July 26, 1994
1999 post-Hurricane Georges (1998) 29º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west October 1,1998
2002 post-Tropical Storm Isodore 29º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west October 1, 2002
2005 post-Hurricane Katrina 29º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west September 30, 2005
2007 29º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west (291º) April 20, 2007
9 Years 1985 1994
5 Years 1994 1999 (Hurricane Georges 1998)
8 Years 1999 2007
22 Years 1985 º48’33” / 88º50’29” - view to west (291º)
Relevant Coastal Restoration Projects Chandeleur Islands Marsh Restoration State Project Number: PO-27 Project Priority List (PPL): 09 Federal Sponsor: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Project Type: Vegetation Planting Construction Completion Date: 2001 Description: This project is intended to accelerate the recovery period of barrier island areas overwashed by Hurricane Georges in 1998 through vegetation plantings. The overwash areas, which encompass 364 acres, are located at 22 sites along the Chandeleur Sound side of the island chain and were planted with smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora). Chandeleur Islands Marsh Restoration State Project Number: PO-27 Project Priority List (PPL): 09 Federal Sponsor: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Project Type: Vegetation Planting Construction Completion Date: 2001 Description: This project is intended to accelerate the recovery period of barrier island areas overwashed by Hurricane Georges in 1998 through vegetation plantings. The overwash areas, which encompass 364 acres, are located at 22 sites along the Chandeleur Sound side of the island chain and were planted with smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora).